ν̣ ἄρχοντ[ν]
ἢ ὅσων̣ ἐὰν ὦσι
καὶ χρηστηρίων καὶ ἀνηκόντων π̣ά̣ν̣των καὶ ε[ἰ]σ̣ό̣δ̣ου̣ καί ἐξόδου ὧν̣ [ὅλων γείτονες νότου οἰκία Πα-]
θώτου, λιβὸς δημοσία ῥύμη ἐν ᾗ εἴσοδος καὶ ἔξ[οδος τῆς οἰκίας δεῖνος]
Παήσιος βορρᾶ οἱ λοιποὶ τόποι τῆς ὠνουμένης Ἰσ̣α̣ρ[̣]
των ὄντων ἐν τοῖς ἀπὸ βορρᾶ πρὸς λίβα μέρ[εσι] τῆ̣ς̣ [κ]ώμη[ς]
Πατρὴ κάτωι
τ[ὴν] δὲ συνπεφων[ημ]ένην τιμὴν ἀργ[υρίου σεβαστοῦ νομίσμα-]τος δραχμὰς τρ[ια]κοσίας
ἀπεσχηκ̣[έ]ναι τὸν πωλοῦντ̣[α παρὰ τῆς ὠνου-]
μένης διὰ χειρὰς
None extracted.
Concerning the property, the archons of the city, the area of seventy cubits in area, or however many there may be, and of all the adjacent properties and entrances and exits of which all the neighbors to the south of the house of Patroclus, a public place of the Libo, where the entrance and exit of the house is defined.
Paesios of the north, the remaining places of the property of Isarion, those existing from the north towards the south of the village.
Patre below, and the agreed price of three hundred silver coins of the revered currency has been established for the seller from the property through the hands.
And it is to be the authority and control of the sold property and those who use it.