ἢ ἔνο-χοι εἴη[με]ν τῷ ὅρκῳ.
Αὐτοκράτορος Καίσ[αρος] Τραιανοῦ Ἁδριαν[οῦ Μεσορὴ] ἐπαγο[μέ]νων
ος Ἀλεξ[άνδρου] ἐνγυ̣ῶ̣μαι
τὸ[ν Παπον-]
Ὧρος Πλουτίω̣ν̣[ος μη-]τρὸς Θηδώ̣ρ̣ας
φύλαξ συνενγυ[ῶμαι] τὸν Παποντῶν [ὡς πρό-]κειται.
We may be bound by the oath.
Of the Emperor Caesar Trajan Hadrian, coming forth.
I am a guarantor of Alexander.
As it is stated regarding the Papont.
Horos, son of Plutio, of the mother Theodora.
I am a guardian, I am a guarantor of the Papont as it is stated.