⳨ τῷ κυρ(ίῳ) τῷ ἀδελφῷ Δωροθέῳ βοηθ(ῷ) σε̣[ι]τ̣(ολόγων)
[παρά]σχ(ου) Βίκτορι οἰκοδ(όμῳ) Ὀξυρύγχ(ων) ὑπὲρ μι[σ]θ(οῦ) λιθ̣[ί]ν̣(ων) ἀφέσεων λό̣γ̣(ῳ) [ἀ]δ̣[ε]λ̣φοῦ
χρυ̣σ̣[οῦ νο(μισμάτια) τέσσα]ρ̣α̣ς̣
κ̣εράτια εἴκοσι τέ̣[σσ]α̣ρ̣[α]ς
(γίνεται) χρυ(σοῦ) νο(μισμάτια) δ κερ(άτια) κδ
(hand 2?) \δήμοι(ρον)/
(hand 1) Μεσορὴ κ
[ἰνδ(ικτίωνος)] ⳨
None extracted.
To the Lord, the brother Dorotheus, help (of) the sitologoi.
Grant to Victor, the builder of Oxyrhynchus, for the wage of the stone releases, in the word of the brother.
Four golden coins.
Twenty keratia (small coins) of four.
(It is) golden coins of d keratia kδ.
(hand 2?) / of the demoi/
(hand 1) Mesoreh k
[of the indiction] ⳨