Σαραπιὰς [Κ]ορνηλίῳ τῶι ἀδελφῶ[ι] χαίρειν.
κοµίσαι π̣[αρὰ τ]οῦ ἀναδιδοῦν-τός σοι τὴ[ν ἐ]π̣ιστολὴν τὸ κολόβιν (*) λ̣[ευκ]ὸν καὶ τὸ ἀπο-τόµιν (*) κ̣[αὶ τὸ ἀ]ντίγραφον τῆς δι[αιρέ]σεως συν-ηλιγµέ[ν]η (*) ἐρρῶσ̣[θαί σε ε]ὔχοµαι πανοικ̣[εὶ διὰ ]π̣αντὸς εὐ-τυχο̣[ῦντα εἰς µ]ακροὺς αἰῶν̣[ας.]
None extracted.
Serapias to Cornelius, greetings to your brother.
To bring you the letter that is being given to you, the short one (*), the white one and the cut one (*), and the copy of the division that is combined (*).
I wish you to be well, I pray for you to be prosperous in all things for many ages.