διαγέγρα(φε) Νεφερῶς Παχοίτου ὑπ(ὲρ) λαο(γραφίας) Χά(ρακος) ζ (ἔτους) (δραχµὰς) ι βα̣(λανευτικοῦ) α (ὀβολὸν) (ἡµιωβέλιον), (γίνονται) ια (ὀβολὸς) (ἡµιωβέλιον) καὶ προ(σδιαγραφόµενα). (ἔτους) ζ Δοµιτε̣ιανοῦ τοῦ κυρίου Φαρµ(οῦθι) λιζ . Ἡρακρακ(λείδης) σ̣εση(µείωµαι)
None extracted.
Written by Neferous Pachoit under the geography of Charakos in the year (of drachmas) 10 of the balance (of the obol) (of the half-bushel), (they are) 11 (obol) (of the half-bushel) and (the prescribed). (In the year) 7 of Domitian, of Lord Farmouth. Heraclides has been diminished.