(ἔτους) ιγ Θωὺθ α , δραχμὰς τετρακισ̣-χειλί̣α̣ς (*), (γίνονται) (δραχμαὶ) Δ . Πάις καὶ οἱ μ̣έτοχοι οἱ ἐξειλη̣φότες τ̣[ὸ]ν̣ κόλ̣λ̣υβον κα̣ὶ τὴν̣ ἀση̣μ̣ωνίαν το̣ῦ τρεισ̣και- 5 δεκάτου ἔτου̣<ς> ἐπιστάτ̣η̣ι̣ ο̣ἰκονό̣μ̣ο̣[ι]ς τοπογραμ- ματεῦσι κωμογραμματ̣ε̣ῦ̣σ̣ι̣ [ἀ]ρ̣[χ]ι̣φυλα̣κί̣- ταις φυλ̣α̣κ̣ί̣τα̣ις χαίρειν. ἐξείληφεν παρʼ ἡμ[ῶν] Γοννῶφ̣[ρις Π]ετοσείριο̣ς ⟦χαί̣ρ̣ε̣ι̣ν̣⟧ {ἐξείληφε̣ν̣ παρʼ ἡμῶ̣ν} Τακονα τῆς̣ κάτω τοπαρχίας 10 τοῦ Ὀξυρ̣υ̣νχίτου (*) τὸν κόλλυβον̣ κα̣ὶ τὴν ἀση- μων̣ίαν̣ [τῆς] προγεγραμ[μ]έ̣ν̣ης κώ̣μ̣η̣ς̣ καὶ [ἐνδέχε]τ̣αι αὐτῶι συνχω̣ρ̣[ε]ῖ̣[ν] (*) λ̣α̣οῖς χ̣α̣[ ̣ ] [ -7-8- ] τ̣ο̣ῦ νομ̣ο̣ῦ̣ χ̣ω̣ρ̣ὶ̣ς̣ τῶ̣ν ἐν̣ [ - ca.5 - ] [ -9-10- ]ω̣ι ἄ̣λ̣οις (*) ξέν̣ο̣ις ε ̣ [ - ca.6 - ] [ - ca.9 - ] Τ̣α̣κονα τῆι αὐ̣[τ]ῆ̣ι κ[ -8-9- ] [ -6-7- ] ̣ π̣α̣ραδ̣ι̣δ̣ῶ̣σ̣ι ὑ̣μ̣[ῖν - ca.10 - ] [ -7-8- ] ἢ ἰδιώτας, ο̣ἱ τη ̣ [ - ca.9 - ] [ -5-6-πα]ραλ̣α̣μβάνετε [ -9-10- ] [ - ca.5 - ἳν]α̣ μηθὲν τῶ̣ν εἰσπ̣[ραχθησομέν-] 20 [ων διαπέ]σ̣η̣ι̣. ἔρρωσθ̣[ε -9-10- ] [ - ca.6 - ] μεν Γοννώφρει [ -11-12- ] [ -5-6- ] π̣όλει κα̣ ̣ ̣ ̣ [ - ca.12 - ] [ - ca.6 - (?)]
None extracted.
(Year) 13 Thoth, four thousand drachmas (*), (they are) (drachmas) D. Pais and the shareholders who have received the collubus and the assymonia of the thirteenth year under the supervision of the household managers and the topographers, greetings to the kinsmen and the archiving officials. Gonnophis Petoseirios has received from us, greetings {he has received from us} Takona of the lower toparchy of Oxyrhynchus (*) the collubus and the assymonia of the aforementioned village and it is possible for him to grant permission to the people [to] the law, apart from those in [ - ca.5 - ] other foreigners [ - ca.6 - ] Takona in the same [ -8-9- ] [ -6-7- ] they will hand over to you [ - ca.10 - ] [ -7-8- ] or private individuals, those who [ - ca.9 - ] [ -5-6- ] receive [ -9-10- ] [ - ca.5 - ] so that nothing of the collected [ -9-10 - ] will be lost. Farewell [ -9-10- ] [ - ca.6 - ] to Gonnophis [ -11-12- ] [ -5-6- ] in the city [ - ca.12 - ] [ - ca.6 - (?)]