ὁμόλογον ἀρ[γ(υρικῶν)]
σύνοψις σιτικῶν [ὀ]φ̣[ειλημάτων (?)]
ὁμόλογον ἰδίου λ(όγου)
σύνοψις ὁμοίως
μη(νιαῖοι) ἀργ(υρικῶν) ἀπὸ Θὼθ ἕως̣ Με̣[σορή (?)]
γ̣ρ(αφὴ) ὑπερετῶν
γρ(αφὴ) παραδοχίμων
ἀργ(υρικὰ) σεσωμ(ατισμένα) ο̣ὐ̣[σιακῷ λό(γῳ)]
σύνοψις ἀργυρι̣[κῶν]
καὶ οὐσ̣[ιακῶν]
δι̣[μ]η̣( ) ἀργ(υρικῶν) [
(No Latin text was extracted from the document.)
Agreement of silver
Summary of grain debts
Agreement of one's own word
Summary likewise
Monthly silver from Thoth to Mesore
Writing of the superiors
Writing of the accepted
Silver assets preserved in substantial word
Summary of silver
And substantial
[Dimi] ( ) of silver [
To [