† δέδωκεν ὀνόμ(ατος) Ἀχιλλ̣(εὺς) Φ̣[ο]ιβαδ(ίου) ἀθλητὴς δ(ιὰ) τῶν κλ(ηρονόμων) Παύλου
δ(ιὰ) Σοφίας τῆς [ -ca.?- ] ὑπὲρ τοῦ αὐτῆς ἡμίσεως μέρ(ους) εἰς λόγ(ον) τῆς βουλευτικ(ῆς) λειτ[ο]υ̣ρ̣γίας πρώτης φυλ(ῆς) [ -ca.?- ] χρυσοῦ κεράτια δεκαοκτώ, γί(νεται) χρ̣(υσοῦ) κερ̣(άτια) ιη μ(όνα). † Θεόδωρος βοηθ̣(ὸς) δ̣ι̣ʼ ἐ̣μοῦ ̣ φ ̣ [ -ca.?- ] (hand 2) καὶ α̣πι( ) ἐνά̣τ̣(ης) ἰ(ν)δ(ικτίωνος)
None extracted.
† He has given the name of Achilles, son of Phoibadios, athlete, through the heirs of Paul, through the wisdom of [ -ca.?- ] in favor of her half share, for the purpose of the deliberative service of the first tribe [ -ca.?- ] eighteen golden crowns, it becomes a golden crown of 18. † Theodoros, helper of mine [ -ca.?- ] (hand 2) and [ -ca.?- ] of the ninth indiction.