εἰς τὴν τῆς γαμ̣ουμένης μητέρα ἐὰν ζῇ, εἰ δὲ μή, εἰς τοὺς ἐ̣ν τοῖς̣ [ἐ]σ̣ομένοις ἐκ τῆς δούλης ἐγγόνοις, εἴς {δ} \τ/ε ἐκδότην ἐὰν πε[ριῇ καί, εἰ δὲ μή, εἰς ν]υ̣νεὶ τῇ γαμουμένῃ ἄρουραι δύο καὶ ἃ ἐὰν ἄλλα ἔχῃ ἡ γαμουμένη πάν̣[τα τα γενόμενα ἐ̣πιμεταλλάξῃ ἄτεκνα, κομισαμένοι οἱ πλ̣[ων ἁπάντων ἀπίτωσαν. ἡ δὲ γαμουμέν̣η ἀποσπάσασ̣[α ἕως δ’ ἄν κομί]σωνται κυριευέτωσαν πάντων, ἐπὶ δὲ πασῶν τῶν̣ [διαστολῶν ἀντὶ τῶν τῆ]ς συντειμήσεως δραχμῶν διακοσίων δι̣ακομ[ισθεισῶν ὑπαρ]χόντ̣ων αὐτῷ π̣άντ[ων] μ̣ηδε̣μιᾶς πράξεως γι̣[νομένης η γένηται τὰς [τ]ότε ὑποστελλούσας τῆ γαμουμενῃ πρὸ[ς τῆ γα]μουμένῃ τοῦ ἔτους μηνῶν. ἡ δὲ γα`μου΄μένη τὰ λοιπὰ ἀπαλ̣[ας δραχμὰς εἴκο[σι]. ὁπηνίκα δ’ ἄν αἱρῶνται οἱ γαμοῦντες [οις τῶν γρα[μ]ματικῶν ὄντων πρὸς ἑκάτερ̣ον μέρο[ς ἔτους
Αὐτοκράτορος Καίσαρος Τίτου Α̣ἰ̣λ̣ί̣ου Ἁδριαν[οῦ] Ἀντωνίνου Σεβαστοῦ Εὐσεβοῦς, Μεσορὴ
To the mother of the bride, if she is alive; if not, to those who are in the household of the slave's offspring, to the publisher if it happens, and if not, to the bride. The bride shall have two acres and whatever else the bride possesses, all that has been produced shall be transferred childless, and those who have taken care of all shall depart. The bride shall be entitled to all until they are taken care of, and in all distributions instead of the two hundred drachmas of the contribution that are to be distributed, all that belongs to him shall be without any action being taken. The bride shall receive the amounts that were previously withheld for the bride for the year of months. The bride shall receive the remaining twenty drachmas. Whenever the grooms take from the grammarians, each part of the year.