ἔτου[ς] ὀκτω̣καιδεκ[άτου] Αὐτοκρά̣[τορο]ς Καίσαρος
[Νέρου]α Τραιανοῦ [Ἀρ]ίστου Σεβ(αστοῦ) Γερ(μανικοῦ)
[εἴρ]γ̣(ασται) ἐφ’ ἡ(μέρας) πέν̣[τε ὑ]π̣ὲ̣ρ̣ χωματικ(ῶν)
[ἔργ]ω̣ν τοῦ αὐ̣(τοῦ) ιη (ἔτους) κ κδ
Παῦνι 5 [ἐν] τ̣ῇ̣ καινῇ̣ ἑξαθ(ύρῳ) Καρανίδ(ος)
[Ψ]ενόβαστ(ις) Σαταβ̣ο̣(ῦτος) το(ῦ) Ν̣ε̣φ̣ερῶ̣(τος) μ̣η̣(τρὸς) Ταθαύτ(ιος)
Ἡρακ( ) σεσημ(είωμαι)
Year of the 18th of the Emperor Caesar Nero Trajanus Aristus Augustus Germanicus.
Of Dacicus.
It is to be done for five days for earthworks of the same.
In the year 18, 24.
In the new hexathyrum of Karanius.
Of Psenobastis, of Satabous, of Nepherotes, mother of Tathautios.
Heracles, I have been marked.
Of Augustus.