ἀσπάζομαι ὑμᾶς καὶ προσκυνῆ κ̣[α]ὶ τὰ ἴχνη τῶν ὑποδημάτων ὑμῶν καὶ πάντων τῶν ὄντων μεθ’ ὑμῶν κατ’ ὄν[ο]μα. καταξίωσον οὖν λαβεῖν τὸ καν̣ώ̣ν̣[α] παρὰ τοῦ γραμματηφόρου καὶ τοῦτο ἀναγκα̣ίως γράψῃ {τ} ἡ σὴ εὐλάβεια ὅτι ὁ μακάρι̣[ο]ς ἄπ̣α̣ Ισάκ ἀπώλοιτο ἀπὸ ἕκτη τοῦ μηνὸς τούτου· διὰ τούτου οὐκ ἐδυνήθη βαλεῖν σκυλμὸν καὶ ἀπαντῆσαι τὸν ἄγ’γελον ὑμῶν, δέσποτα.
ἐπί(δος) τῷ ἀγαπητ(ῷ) μου ἀδελφ(ῷ) Κύρῳ παρὰ Κυριακ̣[οῦ] ἀδελφ(οῦ).
I greet you and worship and the footprints of your sandals and all those being with you by name. Therefore, grant me to receive the canon from the secretary, and this your piety must necessarily write that the blessed Isaac perished on the sixth of this month; for this reason, he was unable to throw a stone and to meet your angel, master.
To my beloved brother Kyrros from Kyriakos, brother.