ἔτου[ς] λ β Λουκί[ο]υ [Αἰλίου] Αὐρη̣λίου Κο<μ>μόδ[ου Καίσαρος] τοῦ κ̣υρί[ο]υ. εἴργ(ασται) [ὑπὲρ χω(ματικῶν) τοῦ α(ὐτοῦ) λ β (ἔτους)] (hand 2) Παχὼ(ν) κ η ἕω(ς) Παῦ[(νι) β ἐν] 5 χώ(ματι) δρυ(μοῦ) Ψύων Ψε̣ν̣[ύ]ρ̣- εως (hand 3) Νει[̣ ̣ ̣ ̣]ς Ἥρωνο[ς]
None extracted.
Year [of] Lucius [Aelius] Aurelius Commodus Caesar, of the lord. It has been made [for the burial] of the same [person] in the [burial] ground of Psyon Psenyr- [of] Neir[on].