εἰς τὸν χαλκὸν ἐπὶ τὴν βασιλικὴν τράπεζαν τὴν ὀψὲ τῆι ὥραι εἰσπηδήσαντες Ἑριεὺς ὃς καὶ Διονύσιο[ς κα-] λεῖται καὶ Πα[ - ca.10 - ] μετʼ ἄλλων πλἐόνων [ὧν ἀ-] γνοῶ τὰ ὀνόματα καὶ ἐκσπάσαντες Αὖγχιν τὴν γυναῖκά μου ἐκ τοῦ ζυτοπωλίου τῆι βίαι χρώμενοι καὶ ἐνκόψαντες αὐτῆι πληγὰς πλέους εἰς ὃ τύχοι μέρος τοῦ σώματος ὥστε κ[ -ca.?- ] εἶ[ν]αι καὶ [ - ca.?- ]
(No Latin text extracted)
"Into the bronze upon the royal table, having entered late at the hour, Hierius, who is also called Dionysius, and with others, more of whom I do not know the names, having dragged Aunchin, my wife, from the tavern, using violence and having inflicted upon her many wounds, into whatever part of the body it may happen, so that it may be [ -ca.?- ] to be [ - ca.?- ]"