Φλάυιος Τ̣αυρῖνος
το ἡμικεράτια̣ τῆς Ἀντινοέω̣ν
τ̣ε̣τ̣άρτης ἰ νδικτίονο̣[ς]
τ]ῆς κτήσεως α<ὐ>τοῦ
[χρυσο]ῦ κεράτια ἐννέα
ρ̣τ̣η̣ Φο̣ι̣[βά-]μμων ὑποτ
της δ̣(ιὰ)
Λόγ̣γου διαδόχο̣υ̣ στ[οιχεῖ] μοι ἡ ἀποχή
(No Latin text was extracted from the document.)
Flavius Taurinus
of Plousammōn
the half-keratia of the Antinoëans
the fourth (of the) indiction
of his possession
nine golden keratia
of Phoibammon, under
the (through) Loggos, the successor
it seems to me the abstention
of the indiction