Βασιλεῖ Πτολεμαίωι Θεῶι Σωτῆρι χαίρεῖν Ἰσχυρίωνος Μακεδὼν ἱππάρχης ἐπʼ ἀνδρῶν τῶν ἐν τῶι Ἡρακλεοπολίτηι κατοίκων ἱππέων ἐπίτροπος ἀνεγλ̣εῖνος τ̣οῦ Σωτηρίχου ὀρφανοῦ τῶν κατ[οίκων ἱππέων] Χο̣ιὰχ Πτολεμαῖος Ἡρακλείδου τῶν ἐν γνώσε̣ι ὄντων(?) τῶι τοῦ ὀρφανοῦ πατρὶ ἐν Φ̣ι̣λ̣αδέλφωι δανείσας Ἀπολλων̣ίωι τῶι καὶ Ἁρυ-ώτηι πρεσβυτέρωι καὶ Ἀπολλωνίωι τῶι καὶ Ἁρυώτηι νεωτέρωι καλουμένωι ἀμφοτέροις Φατρέους καὶ Ἥρ̣ωνι τῶι καὶ Θ̣ρ̣τοῦ Φα<τ>ρήους καὶ̣ Ἀ̣π̣[ο]λλωνίωι καὶ Σωτηρίχωι [τῶ]ι καὶ Ἀπολλ]ωνίωι τῶι καὶ Ἁρυώτη̣[ι Ἀ]σφέως κ[αὶ] Διονυσίωι [τῶι καὶ Ἡρακλείδει τῶι καὶ Ενθορτοιωι Φίβιος κ̣[αὶ Πετοσίριος καὶ Διδύμωι τῶι καὶ Ὀννώφρει Ὀννώφ[ριος Ὀ]νν[ώ]φριος καὶ Εὐάρχωι τῶι καὶ Τ̣[Ἁ]ρυώτου καὶ Ἡ[ρ]α[κλεί]ου Π̣αήσιος καὶ Ἀπολλωνίωι τῶι καὶ Ἁρκατύτει Πόρου Π]έ̣ρσαις τ̣ῆς ἐπιγονῆς κατὰ συγγραφὴν δανείου μ[τακτου χοεῖς κβ 𐅵 καὶ χαλκοῦ (τάλαντα) κ̣ϛ τόκων δι̣[α] τῶν ὑπο[χ]ρ̣έων ἀλληλεγγύων εἰς ἔκτεισιν ἐποιη[σα- κατὰ(?)] τὸ σημαινόμενον συνάλλαγμα καὶ τούτου συνετηρηκότος̣ ὑπὸ τ̣όκων καὶ τῶν δὲ χρεοφειλετῶν τὰ δίκαια μὴ πεπο̣[ιηκότων μηδὲ τῶι Σωτηρίχωι τοῦ κατὰ τὴν συγ̣[γρα]φ̣[ὴν αυ[ς καὶ ἑτέρου πλείονος ἐπιγεγονότος δ[τόν τε Σωτήρ[ι]χ̣ον καὶ ἔτι τόν Πτολεμα[ῖον
(No Latin text was extracted from the document.)
To King Ptolemy, to the God Savior, greetings. From Ischyrion, Macedonian hipparch, in charge of the men of the inhabitants of Heracleopolis, the commissioner of the orphans of Soterichus, of the inhabitants of the horsemen. Ptolemy, son of Heracleides, of those who are in knowledge, having lent to the orphan's father in Philadelphia to Apollonius the elder and to Apollonius the younger, called Harutis, both to the patrons and to Heron, and to the patrons of Apollonius and Soterichus, and to Apollonius and Harutis, of Asphaios and Dionysios, and to Heracleides and to Enthoritos, to Phibios and to Petosirios and to Didymos and to Onnophres, Onnophrius and Euarchos, and to Harutis and to Heracleides, to Paesios and to Apollonius and to Arkateus of Porus, to the Persians of the descendants according to the writing of the loan, the amounts of wine and bronze (talents) of interest, of the debtors in solidarity for the extension made according to the indicated exchange, and this being kept under interest and the just claims of the debtors not being made, nor to Soterichus according to the writing of the loan, and of another greater one having occurred, both to Soterichus and still to Ptolemy.