clemeṇtia piet[atis] vestrae, domini per[petui (?)
Constanti et Con[sta]ṇs victores semper [Augusti
militi]bus suis praesertim ex protectoris
immo his qui al[ac]riteṛ [ob]ṣẹquium suum exḥ[ibentes benefi]c̣ịạ ṿẹ[stra ipsi mer]ere
videntur pṛọvide
ego emqueọ [
ẹxc̣ tị o[
g̣ẹṇṭẹ ẹẹ ṭṛaditus in vexillạṭione Parthusagiṭṭariorum
degentium Diospoli provincia[e] Tḥẹḅạịḍọṣ superịọṛis ve[ru]ṃ ẹ[mensos
post annos] ṭṛiginta et tres directus a Senecione antehac
comite limitis eịuṣḍem p̣ṛọṿịnciae ducere ḅḷeṃniorum
gentis refug̣ạṣ ad sacra vestia
pietatis vestrae Constantinopolim
eọ peṛṛẹx̣ịṃụṣ cum legatis ṃemoratae geṇṭịṣ cụṃq̣ụẹ c[omi]te eiusdem
lim[iti]s atque obtulitis
eis clementiae vestrae ṃẹ ẹ ducenạṛiọ diṿịṇitas vestra veneṛạṇdam purpuram suam adọṛ[ar]e ịụssit
praeceptusque itaque producere memoratos
legạṭọṣ ịṇ p̣ạtriam suam cum quibus trịennẹ tempus exigi
remeandoque [ad sa]c̣rum comitatum vestrum tirones ex provincia
Thebaịḍọṣ ạḍ[u]xi
quos Hierapoḷị tradidi et ita daṭạ vacatione mihị [promo]ṿere me clementia praefectum
alae dionysada
provinciae Aegypṭị vestra dignata est verum insinụạ[t]ịṣ ṣ[acri]ṣ ḷitter[is
Vala]c̣ịọ comiti officium respondit allegasse
cumq[ue pateat] ex suffragio eos pr[omotos] fuiṣṣẹ me vero iudicio sacro ideo
al[i]osqụẹ [h]uiusceṃọdi ẹpistulas homines[
iụxṭạ [su]p̣ṛạ[dictos] ạp̣ịces vestros tribu
praefecturae alae Dionỵsiados amọṭịṣ p̣er suffragium habentibus ipsorum castrorum
promotionem me constitui clementia vestra iubere dignetur
solitị contempḷạṭịone memoraṭorum laborum meorum et quos sedes
o vide[o]r habere providẹrẹ mịhi largissima
pietạs vestra dignetur unde possim cotiḍianum victum adquireṛẹ et hoc consecutus
agam aeterno imp̣erio
vestro maximas gratias
clemeṇtia piet[atis] vestrae, domini per[petui (?)
militi]bus suis praesertim ex protectoris
immo his qui al[ac]riteṛ [ob]ṣẹquium suum exḥ[ibentes benefi]c̣ịạ ṿẹ[stra ipsi mer]ere
videntur pṛọvide
ego emqueọ [
g̣ẹṇṭẹ ẹẹ ṭṛaditus in vexillạṭione Parthusagiṭṭariorum
degentium Diospoli provincia[e] Tḥẹḅạịḍọṣ superịọṛis ve[ru]ṃ ẹ[mensos
post annos] ṭṛiginta et tres directus a Senecione antehac
comite limitis eịuṣḍem p̣ṛọṿịnciae ducere ḅḷeṃniorum
gentis refug̣ạṣ ad sacra vestia
pietatis vestrae Constantinopolim
eọ peṛṛẹx̣ịṃụṣ cum legatis ṃemoratae geṇṭịṣ cụṃq̣ụẹ c[omi]te eiusdem
lim[iti]s atque obtulitis
eis clementiae vestrae ṃẹ ẹ ducenạṛiọ diṿịṇitas vestra veneṛạṇdam purpuram suam adọṛ[ar]e ịụssit
praeceptusque itaque producere memoratos
legạṭọṣ ịṇ p̣ạtriam suam cum quibus trịennẹ tempus exigi
remeandoque [ad sa]c̣rum comitatum vestrum tirones ex provincia
Thebaịḍọṣ ạḍ[u]xi
quos Hierapoḷị tradidi et ita daṭạ vacatione mihị [promo]ṿere me clementia praefectum
alae dionysada
provinciae Aegypṭị vestra dignata est verum insinụạ[t]ịṣ ṣ[acri]ṣ ḷitter[is
Vala]c̣ịọ comiti officium respondit allegasse
cumq[ue pateat] ex suffragio eos pr[omotos] fuiṣṣẹ me vero iudicio sacro ideo
al[i]osqụẹ [h]uiusceṃọdi ẹpistulas homines[
iụxṭạ [su]p̣ṛạ[dictos] ạp̣ịces vestros tribu
praefecturae alae Dionỵsiados amọṭịṣ p̣er suffragium habentibus ipsorum castrorum
promotionem me constitui clementia vestra iubere dignetur
solitị contempḷạṭịone memoraṭorum laborum meorum et quos sedes
o vide[o]r habere providẹrẹ mịhi largissima
pietạs vestra dignetur unde possim cotiḍianum victum adquireṛẹ et hoc consecutus
agam aeterno imp̣erio
vestro maximas gratias
Your clemency of piety, O lords of perpetual (?),
To Constantius and Constans, victors always of Augustus,
especially to their soldiers from the protectors,
indeed to those who, with zeal, exhibit their service, seem to merit your benefits.
I see that I am coming.
I am inquiring about the matter of the Parthian soldiers living in the province of Diospolis, Thebaid, who, after thirty-three years, were directed by Senecio, previously a count of the same province, to lead the Blemmyes, a race of refugees, to the sacred vestments of your piety in Constantinople.
We have come with the envoys of the aforementioned race and the count of the same limits, and you have offered them to your clemency.
I have been commanded to honor your divine authority with my purple robe.
Therefore, I have been instructed to bring back the aforementioned envoys to their homeland, with whom a three-year period is required.
And returning to your sacred council, I have brought recruits from the province of Thebaid, whom I delivered in Hierapolis, and thus, having been granted a vacation, I have been promoted by your clemency to the prefect of the wing of Dionysius in the province of Egypt.
Your dignity has deemed it right to inform the sacred letters to the count of Valachia, who has responded that he has alleged them.
And since it is clear from the support that they have been promoted, I truly judge that others of this kind have sent letters to men.
According to the aforementioned points, I have established that your clemency should command the promotion of those in the prefecture of the wing of Dionysius, who have the support of their camps.
I have been accustomed to the contemplation of the aforementioned labors of mine and those whom I seem to have provided for me abundantly.
May your piety grant me the means to acquire daily sustenance, and having achieved this, I will serve your eternal authority with the greatest gratitude.