Ἑρμοφίλῳ βασιλ(ικῷ) γρα(μματεῖ) Ἀρσι(νοίτου) Ἡρακλίδου <μερίδος> παρὰ Πρείσκου Μύστου τοῦ Ὀρσε-
νούφεως μητ(ρὸς) Ἰ (* ) σχυριαί-νης ἀπὸ κώμ(ης) Πτολεμαίδος Ὅρμου. ὁ τῆς γυναι-
κός μου πατὴρ Δεῖος Ἰ (* ) σιδώρο(υ) τοῦ Εἰρηναίου μητ(ρὸς) Ἡρᾶτος τελῶν τὰ ἐπικεφάλια (* ) ἐπὶ τῆς κώμ(ης) ἐτελ(εύτησεν) τῷ ἐνεστῶ(τι) μηνί.
διὸ ἀξιῶ ταγῆναι αὐτοῦ τὸ ὄνο(μα) ἐν τῇ τῶν τετελ(ευτηκότων) τάξει ὡς ἐπὶ τῶ(ν) ὁμοίω(ν).
(hand 2) κωμογρα(μματεῖ) Πτολ(εμαίδος) Ὅρμου. εἰ ταῖς ἀληθ(είαις) ὁ προγεγρα(μμένος) ἐτελ(εύτησεν), τὸ ἀκόλ(ουθον) ἐπιτέλ(ει) ὡς πρὸς σὲ τοῦ λόγ(ου) καὶ κινδ(ύνου) <ὄντος> ἐάν τ(ι) μὴ δ(εόντως) γένη(ται).
(hand 3) Ἑρμόφιλ(ος) βασιλ(ικὸς) σεση(μείωμαι) δι(ὰ) Ὡρου( ) βοη(θοῦ). (ἔτους) κε Μάρκου Αὐρηλίου Κομμόδου Ἀντωνίνου Σεβαστοῦ Εὐσεβοῦς, Ἁθὺρ ιη Apparatus
^ 5. ϊσχυριαι papyrus
^ 9. ϊσιδωρο papyrus
^ 11. l. ἐπικεφάλεια
None extracted.
To Hermophilos, royal secretary of Arsinoe, of Heraclides, from Preiskos, of Mystos, of the Orsenoufeos, mother of I (*), of Schyrianes from the village of Ptolemaidos, of Hormus. The father of my wife, Deios, of I (*), of Isidoros, of Eirenaios, mother of Heratos, having completed the taxes on the village, has died in the current month.
Therefore, I request that his name be registered in the list of the deceased as it pertains to those similar.
(hand 2) Secretary of the village of Ptolemaidos, of Hormus. If the truths are as previously written, the following will be completed as it pertains to you regarding the matter and danger
(hand 3) Hermophilos, royal, I have noted through Horus (year) of Marcus Aurelius Commodus Antoninus Augustus, of Eusebios, Athyr 18 Apparatus
^ 5. Ischuriai papyrus
^ 9. Isidoros papyrus
^ 11. l. Epikephalia