None found in the document.
vasis et fistulis
lignorum causimorum p(ondo) tal(enta) ii dr(achmae) viii
harundines graeci p(ondo) tal(enta) vi dr(achmae) xiii
olei et figulorum a iiii
picis liquidae
m(i)n(ae) xx
p(ondo) tal(enta) ii m(i)n(ae) l
dr(achmae) xl
laturam x se
xi dr(achmae) x
ole[i] dr(achma) i
glebae c dr(achmae) xx
caram dr(achma) i
cocturam dr(achma)
phalangaris ii dr(achmae) v a vi (quadrans)
mareoticas dr(achmae) iii a vi
phalangaris iv dr(achmae) vii a vi
am(i)s dacicis
c(h)alciothekis vi dr(achmae) xviii
aciscularis iiii dr(achmae) vii a vi
fabris materialis xvi dr(achmae) xxviiii a i
collema toto mon p(ar) iiii dr(achmae) x a ii
musaris vi dr(achmae) xiii a v
pictoribus vi dr(achmae) x a s(emis)
bus dr(achmae) v a s(emis)
veteranis iii dr(achmae) vi a i
dr(achmae) vii a
dr(achmae) xi a iii
olei et lucernarum dr(achmae) ii
hyleos p(ondo) m(i)n(ae) i dr(achmae) ii
custodiae vi
vasis et fistulis dr(achmae) ii
adplumbatoribus vii dr(achmae) x a v (quadrans)
lignorum causimorum p(ondo) tal(enta) ii dr(achmae) viii
m(i)n( ) a iiii
picis liquidae
ven(i)am requiescendi · dare
quam muneribus
pura temporibus
vases and pipes
of the wood of the causes of two talents, eight drachmas
Greek reeds of six talents, thirteen drachmas
of oil and of potters four
of liquid pitch
of lead
of twenty minae
of two talents, two minae
of rough
of forty drachmas
of ten drachmas
of ten drachmas
of custody
of one drachma
of the land of twenty drachmas
of one drachma
of cooking
of two drachmas, five (quadrans)
of mareotic drachmas, three (quadrans)
of four drachmas, seven (quadrans)
of Dacian friends
of the bronze of eighteen drachmas
of four drachmas, seven (quadrans)
of sixteen drachmas, twenty-nine (quadrans)
of the whole collection of four drachmas, ten (quadrans)
of six drachmas, thirteen (quadrans)
of six drachmas, ten (quadrans)
of five drachmas, five (quadrans)
of three drachmas, six (quadrans)
of four drachmas, seven (quadrans)
of eleven drachmas, three (quadrans)
of oil and of lamps, two drachmas
of hyleos of one mina, two drachmas
of custody six
of vases and pipes, two drachmas
of plumbers, seven drachmas, five (quadrans)
of the wood of the causes of two talents, eight drachmas
of four drachmas, four (quadrans)
of oil
of liquid pitch
of the request for rest · to give
than gifts
pure times