Οὐαλερία Σεραπειὰς προσῆλθον τῇ κληρονομίᾳ τῆς μητρός μου, ἀκολούθος τῇ διαθήκῃ αὐτῆς. Λούκιος Οὐαλέριος Λουκρητιανὸς ἐπείτροπος ὢν αὐτῆς ἔγραψα ὑπὲρ αὐτῆς ἀφήλικος οὔσης.
Valeria Serapias Antinois virgo per procuratore L(ucium) Val(erium) lucretiano matidio q(ui) e(t) plutinio, antinoensio fratre eius, testata est, se hereditatem Flaviae Valeriae matris eius adiisse crevisseq(ue) seq(ue) heredes esse secundum tabulae t(estamenti) eius. actum Aeg(ypto), nomo Arsinoite Metropoli iii Kal(endas) Octobr(es) M(arco) Cornelio Cethego,
Valeria Serapias, a virgin of Antinoe, through the procurator Lucius Valerius Lucretianus Matidius, who is of Plutinius, and the brother of Antinoe, has testified that she has accepted the inheritance of Flavia Valeria, her mother, and that she and her heirs are to be according to the will. This was done in Egypt, in the Arsinoite metropolis, on the third of the Kalends of October, during the consulship of Marcus Cornelius Cethegus and Sextus Servilius Clarus.