None found in the document.
Antonius Silvanus eq(ues) alae Thracum Mauretan(i)ae strator praef(ecti) turma Valeri testamentum fecit omnium bonor[um meo-]rum castrens[ium et d]omes-tic(or)um M(arcus) Antonius Sat[...]
filius meus ex asse mihi heres esto ceteri ali(i) omnes exheredes sunto cernitoque hereditatem meam in diebus proximis ne (*)
i-ta creverit exheres esto tunc secundo gradu [...] Antonius R[...]lis frater meus mihi heres esto cernito-que hereditatem meam in diebus LX proximus (*)
qui (*)
do lego si mihi heres non erit (denarios) argenteos septingentos quinquaginta procurato rem bonorum meorum castrensium ad bona mea colligenda et resti(t)uenda Antonia(e) Thermutha(e) matri heredi(s) mei s(upra) s(cripti) facio Hieracem Behecis dupl(icarium) alae eiusdem turma Aebuti ut et ipsa servet donec filius meus et heres suae tutel{l}ae fuerit et tunc ab ea recipiat qui (*)
do lego (denarios) argenteos quinquaginta do lego Antonia(e) Thermutha(e) matri heredi(s) mei s(upra) s(cripti) (denarios) argenteos quingentos do lego praef(ecto) meo (denarios) arg(enteos) quinquaginta Cronionem servom (*)
meum pos(t) mortem meam si omnia recte tractaverit et tra(di)derit heredi meo s(upra) s(cripto) vel procuratori tunc liberum volo esse vicesimanque (*)
pro eo ex bonis meis dari volo h(oc) t(estamento) d(olus) m(alus) h(besto) (*)
familia pequi-niae (*)
quae t(estamenti) f(aciendi) c(ausa) e(mit) Nemonium (*)
dupl(icarius) tur(mae) Mari libripende M(arco) Iulium (*)
Tiberinum (*)
sesq(uiplicario) tur(mae) Valeri antes tatus est Turbinium sig(niferem) tur(mae) Proculi testamentum factum Alexandriae ad Aeg(yptum) in castris Aug(ustis) hibernis leg(ionis) II Tr(aianae) For(tis) et alae Mauretan(i)ae VI Kal(endas) Ap[ri]l(es) Rufino et Quadrato co(n)s(ulibus) Nemonius [...]
dupl(icarius) t(urmae) Mari signavi Turbinius eq(ues) sig(nifer) turm(ae) Proculi Valerius [...] Rufus eq(ues) sig(nifer) [...] [....]E tur(mae) [...] vis Maximus dupl(icarius) [...]
Antonius Silvanus, a knight of the Thracian wing of Mauretania, the prefect of the Valerian troop, made a will concerning all my property, both military and domestic. Marcus Antonius Sat[...], my son, shall be my heir in full; all others shall be disinherited. And let my inheritance be determined in the coming days, so that if it grows, the disinherited shall be in the second degree. Antonius R[...]lis, my brother, shall be my heir; let my inheritance be determined in the coming days, which are the 60th days.
If I have no heir, I bequeath 750 silver denarii; let the procurator collect and restore my military property to my mother, Antonia Thermutha, the heir mentioned above. I appoint Hieracem Behecis, the deputy of the same troop, Aebuti, to ensure that she keeps it until my son and heir is of age, and then he shall receive it.
I bequeath 50 silver denarii to Antonia Thermutha, my mother, the heir mentioned above, and I bequeath 500 silver denarii to my prefect, 50 silver denarii to my servant Cronion, if he manages everything correctly and hands it over to my heir or procurator. Then I wish to be free to give 20% of my goods.
This will is made in bad faith. The family of Pecunia, which made this will for the sake of making it, is Nemonium, the deputy of the troop of Mari, signed by Marcus Iulius Tiberinus, the deputy of the Valerian troop. The will of Turbinius was made in Alexandria, in the winter camps of the 2nd Legion of Traiana Fortis and the 6th wing of Mauretania on the 6th of April, during the consulship of Rufinus and Quadratus.
Nemonium [...] the deputy of the troop of Mari signed it. Turbinius, a knight, the standard bearer of the troop of Proculi, Valerius [...] Rufus, a knight, the standard bearer [...] of the troop [...] Maximus, the deputy [...].