ἐν ὀνόμ[ατι τοῦ θ(εο)ῦ τοῦ] ἐλεήμο[νος (καὶ) φιλανθρώπ(ου)]
οὐκ ἔστιν θ[(εο)ς εἰ μὴ ὁ θ(εὸ)ς μόνος]
Μααμὲτ ἀπ[όστολος Θεοῦ]
Ἀβδελλα Α[λουλιδ]
Ἀμιρ Ἀλμουμ[νιν]
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In the name of God, the merciful (and) benevolent.
There is no god except the one God alone.
Mohammed, apostle of God.
Abdallah Alulid.
Amir Al-Muminin.