Ἀνόκ σώτηρ Ἰάσθης
πράγμα ϣμίν ἁ
νσόρτ νταϥτάαυ νάϥ
ννουϭ ἐφϣήϣ ἐσά - ῥεχήμερ τάχοῦ ἁχθήϥ
ἀυώ παπνοῦτε σίατ
ο μήτρα ἐρόϥ νμμάι
Ἀνόκ παπνοῦτε ζίαδ τίο μέντρε ἐίάσθης εὖρ(ὑπαρά)
ἐσάρέχενεμέρ τάχου ἐρόϥ
1. Anok, savior, Iasthes
2. Matter, something
3. Snau
4. Whole burnt offering
5. The offering of the sacrifice
6. The one who is in need
7. The one who is in need of help
8. The one who is in need of assistance
9. The offering of the sacrifice is a good thing
10. The offering of the sacrifice is a good thing
11. The offering of the sacrifice is a good thing
12. The offering of the sacrifice is a good thing
13. The offering of the sacrifice is a good thing
14. The offering of the sacrifice is a good thing
15. The offering of the sacrifice is a good thing
16. The offering of the sacrifice is a good thing
17. The offering of the sacrifice is a good thing
18. The offering of the sacrifice is a good thing
19. The offering of the sacrifice is a good thing
20. The offering of the sacrifice is a good thing
21. The offering of the sacrifice is a good thing
22. The offering of the sacrifice is a good thing
23. The offering of the sacrifice is a good thing
24. The offering of the sacrifice is a good thing
25. The offering of the sacrifice is a good thing
26. The offering of the sacrifice is a good thing
27. The offering of the sacrifice is a good thing
28. The offering of the sacrifice is a good thing
29. The offering of the sacrifice is a good thing
30. The offering of the sacrifice is a good thing
31. The offering of the sacrifice is a good thing
32. The offering of the sacrifice is a good thing
33. The offering of the sacrifice is a good thing
34. The offering of the sacrifice is a good thing
35. The offering of the sacrifice is a good thing
36. The offering of the sacrifice is a good thing
37. The offering of the sacrifice is a good thing
38. The offering of the sacrifice is a good thing
39. The offering of the sacrifice is a good thing
40. The offering of the sacrifice is a good thing
41. The offering of the sacrifice is a good thing
42. The offering of the sacrifice is a good thing
43. The offering of the sacrifice is a good thing
44. The offering of the sacrifice is a good thing
45. The offering of the sacrifice is a good thing
46. The offering of the sacrifice is a good thing
47. The offering of the sacrifice is a good thing
48. The offering of the sacrifice is a good thing
49. The offering of the sacrifice is a good thing
50. The offering of the sacrifice is a good thing