τοῖς ἀδελφ(οῖς) μεσ(ίταις) πολ(ι)τ(ῶν) μεσ(ῖται) ὁρρ(ίων) οὐσ(ιῶν). εἴκοσι ἐ̣[ν]ν̣έα ἀρτάβ(ας) σίτ(ο)υ κ[αγ]κ̣[(έλλῳ)] λογίσασθ(ε) Μακαρίῳ Στεφάνο(υ) ἀπ̣ὸ̣ λ(όγου) ὑποδέκτ(ου) Πτωνψαεί. (ἀρτάβας) κθ. Θὼθ ε ι ἰν(δικτίονος) Γερόντις
To the brothers, the mediators of the citizens, the mediators of the regions of the cities. Twenty-nine artabas of grain in the basket. Consider to Makarios, son of Stephanus, from the word of the recipient Ptonpsaei. (Artabas) 38. Thoth in the indiction. Gerontis.