εἰς τὴ̣[ν] ἐν Κροκοδε̣ί-λων πόλειν
φυλακὴν περεὶ
ὧν προσοφείλο-μεν
Φα̣ν̣ίας καὶ Ἑρι-
ναι ερ̣ [ -ca.?- ]
χηι αὐτ[ -ca.?-
ἡ-] μᾶς κ̣ [ -ca.?- ]
ἐφ ̓ ὧι π[ -ca.?- ]
[̣ ̣]
̣ ̣ εν[ -ca.?- ]
"To the city of Crocodilopolis
a guard concerning
those we owe
Phanias and Heri-
yes, [something unclear]
[something unclear] to us [something unclear]
[something unclear] at which [something unclear]
[something unclear]
[something unclear] in [something unclear]