ἔτος λα Μεχεὶρ κε τέ(τακται) ἐπὶ τὴν ἐν Δ(ιὸς) πό(λει) [τῆι μ]ε̣(γάληι) τρά(πεζαν) ἐφʼ ἧς Ἡρακλείδης ἀπὸ τιμῆς [ὀθονί]ων βασιλικῶν τοῦ λα (ἔτους) Πετῆσις μ̣έ̣(γας) Φίβιος δισχιλ̣[ίας], (γίνονται) Β. 5 Ἡρακλείδης τ[ρα(πεζίτης) Β.]
None extracted.
Year of Mecheir, which is the 5th year of the reign of the city of Zeus, in the great table upon which Heracleides, from honor, of royal cloths, the year of Petesis, the great Phoebus, two thousand, are made. Heracleides, the banker.