Ἀντώνιον Μαλχαῖος ὁ ἀσχολούμενος
τὴν ὁρμ[οφυλακίαν] Σο(ήνης) Σαν
χαίρειν· ἀπέχωι
παρὰ σοῦ τὸ ἐνόρμιον
ἀγωγίω[ν] ὧν ἐποιήσου[ τὰ ἀπὸ Τῦβι]
ἕως Φαρ[μοῦθι]
ἐ[πὶ λόγ(ου)]
Antonios Malchaios, the one engaged in the [office] of the Sohanian San, greetings. I am away from you the [norm] of the [conduct] which you will make from Tubi until Pharmouthi on account of [the matter].