τὸ πρῶτον.
Παγῆμις Ὡριων
τῷ φιλτ̣ά̣-
πρὸ μὲν πάν-
σοι δοξαι
κύριε ἀδελφέ, χρῆσόν μοι
υγην μεγάλαν
ἰδοὺ ἔδωκα
καὶ τὸυ δειν
τω ν βραος.
(ἔτους) κα
Αὐτοκράτορος Καίσαρος
Τίτου Αἰλίου Ἁδριἀνοῦ Ἀν-
τωνίνοῦ Σεβαστοῦ Εὐ-
σἐβοῦς Παχὼν
(ἔτους) κα
Αὐτοκράτορος Καίσαρος
Τίτου Αἰλίου Ἁδριἀνοῦ Ἀν-
τωνίνοῦ Σεβαστοῦ Εὐ-
σἐβοῦς Παχὼν
The first.
To the beloved Orion,
greetings. First of all,
I wish you well and
I greet you. May you have
glory, dear brother, grant me
a great health.
Behold, I have given
the artaibas
to the Theban.
And to the terrible
of the short.
(Year) and
of the Emperor Caesar
Titus Aelius Hadrianus Antoninus
Augustus Eusebius Pachon.