ἔτους κγ Χοιάχ. [τ]έ̣τα(κται) ἐπὶ τὴν ἐν Συή(νῃ) [τρ]ά̣(πεζαν) ἐφʼ ἧς Ἀμμώ(νιος) εἰς τὸ [αὐ]τὸ (ἔτος) ἀκροδρύων 5 [̣ ̣ ̣]ιχνου( ) Ὀτώφιος [χα(λκοῦ) οὗ ἀλ(λαγὴ) χιλ]ί̣[α]ς̣ ρ , (γίνονται) Αρ .
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Year 23 of Choiak. [The] 14th [day] of the month in Syene [the] table on which Ammonius [is] in the same year of the acrodryons. 5 [unknown] of Otofius [of bronze, where the change is a thousand] r, (they are) Ar.