ἔτους β, Τῦβι η, ἐπὶ βασιλέως Πτολεμαίου καὶ βασιλισσα Κλεοπάτρα η καὶ Τρύφαινα η ἀδελφη θεοι Φιλοπάτορος <Φιλαδέλφων> καθίσταται ἱερὰ ζῶια ἐπὶ Με-νάνδρου στρατηγοῦ, Καλλίου οἰκονό(μου), Τοτοέυς τοπογρα(μματέως), Εὐάνθου τοῦ Στασίου, Ἑρμίου <τοῦ Καλλίου> οἰκο(νόμου), καὶ τῶν ἄλλων θιασιτῶν, ἀριθ(μῶι) τνζ.
In the year 2, in the month of Tybi, during the reign of King Ptolemy and Queen Cleopatra and Trifaina, the sister of the gods Philopator, it is established that sacred animals are under the command of Menander the general, Callius the steward, Totheus the topographer, Euanthos son of Stasios, Hermius son of Callius the steward, and the other members of the thiasos, numbered as follows.