τῷ ἀδελ(φῷ) Ὡρουγχίῳ βοη(θῷ) κώμ(ης) Ι( ) Μ̣α̣γ̣ί̣σ̣τ̣ω̣ρ̣ σ̣ὺ̣ν̣ θ(εῷ) βοη(θὸς) λογιστηρίου. ἔσχ(ον) ἀπὸ τῆς ὑποδοχ(ῆς) δευτέρας ἰνδ(ικτίονος) χρυσοῦ νομίσμ(ατα) ἓξ εὔ(σταθμα) Ἀλεξ(ανδρείας) δοθ(έντα) Βασιλ(είῳ) βο(ηθῷ)
( )/ ἓξ κλυ̣( ) τ̣ό̣πι(ον) σιτ̣ι̣(κὸν) ἰνδ(ικτίονος), ὁμοί(ως) ὑ(*)
π(ὲρ) Βίκτορος Διοσκ( ) Ἰ(*)
σιδώρου κεράτια. ε̣ἴ̣κ̣[οσ]ι̣ [τρ]ί̣α̣ Ἀλεξ(ανδρείας), ὁμοί(ως) ὑ(*)
π(ὲρ) μον(αστηρίου) ἄπα Ἰ(*)
ακκώβου ἀπ(ὸ) νο(μισμάτων) κ(εράτια) ἰζ 𐅵 κεράτια δεκαεπτὰ ἥμι[συ Ἀ]λεξ(ανδρείας), γί(νεται) ὁμοῦ νο(μίσματα) ζ κ(εράτια) ιϛ 𐅵 Ἀλεξ(ανδρείας) [ἀφʼ ὧν καὶ ἐ]δ̣ό(θη) ἀδελ(φῷ) Μηνᾷ ὑποδέκ(ῃ) νό(μισμα) εὔ(σταθμον) Ἀλεξ(ανδρείας) λ(οιπόν) νο(μίσματα) ϛ κ(εράτια) ιϛ 𐅵 Ἀλεξ(ανδρείας) ὑ(*)
π(ὲρ) τῆς (αὐτῆς) ἰνδ(ικτίονος). ἐγρ(άφη) Τῦβι εἰνδ(ικτίονος) β.
Μα]γίστωρ σὺν θ(εῷ) βοη(θὸς) λογιστ(ηρίου) ἐπιδέδωκα χ(ρυσοῦ) ν(ομίσματα) ϛ κ(εράτια) ιϛ 𐅵 Ἀλεξ(ανδρείας) †
ἐντάγι(ον) τοῦ κυρ(ίου) Μαγίστωρ(ος) β ἰνδ(ικτίονος) χ(ρυσοῦ) ν(ομίσματα) ζ κ(εράτια) ιϛ 𐅵 [Ἀλ]ε̣ξ̣(ανδρείας) †
(No Latin text was extracted from the document.)
To the brother Horunghios, helper of the village, I, the Master, with God, helper of the accounting office, have received from the second reception of the indiction six gold coins, given to the King.
( )/ six local wheat (coins) of the indiction, likewise under Victor Dioscorus.
Three Alexandrian coins, likewise under the monastery of Jacob, from the coins, seventeen and a half Alexandrian coins, it is made, likewise coins of Alexandrian, from which was given to the brother Menas, the receiver, a stable Alexandrian coin, therefore coins of Alexandrian under the same indiction. It was written by Tubi in the indiction.
Master, with God, helper of the accounting office, I have given six gold coins of Alexandrian.
The order of the Lord Master of the indiction of gold coins of Alexandrian.