ἐπὶ τὴν ἐν τό(πῳ) Αὐήρει τρά(πεζαν)
Διονυσίῳ καὶ Θεοδώρῳ τρα(πεζίταις) ὡς βα(σιλεῖ)
παρὰ Ἁρθώτου τοῦ
Μαρρέως τέλος οἰκίας
βατευομέ(νης) ἐν Αὐήρει
τῶν ἔξω τό(πων) τῆς Ἡρακ(λείδου)
μ(έτρα) νότου ἐπὶ βο(ρρᾶν) π(ηχεῖς)
ἐπʼ ἀπη(λιώτην) π(ηχεῖς)
γεί(τονες) νότου Ἀνουβιείου
τό(ποι) βορρᾶ καὶ λιβὸς ῥύμη
βασ(ιλικὴ) ἀπη(λιώτου) Ἁρμάϊος οἰκία
ὧν ἔφ\η/ ἠγορα(κέναι) κα(τὰ) συγγρ(αφὴν) παρὰ
Τανούβεως τοῦ Σιεφμ̣[οῦ]τ̣[ος]
χα(λκοῦ) (ταλάντων)
χα(λκοῦ) πρὸς ἀργύ(ριον) χίλ(ιαι)
(γίνονται) (γίνονται)
(No Latin text extracted)
Year of Phamenoth, the 6th.
It has fallen upon the table in the place of Aueri, to Dionysius and Theodoros, as the bankers, according to the decree of Artho, the end of the house of Marreus, being built in Aueri, of the outer places of Heracleides, measuring from the south to the north, the Libyan.
Upon the Apellion, the measuring rods of the neighbors of Anubis, the places of the north and the Libyan stream, the royal house of the Apellion, which it is said was bought according to the writing from Tanubeus, the son of Shefmot, of bronze talents, of bronze towards silver, a thousand.
(They are being made) (They are being made).