λόγος π(ρὸς) τοὺς κληρ(ονόμους) Φοιβάμμωνος μαγείρ(ου)
καὶ ἐ(δε)ξ(άμην) χάριν τῶν ἀποχῶν τῶν κριθῶν καὶ τῆς κρέως λίτρας τριάκοντα. γί(νονται) κρέ(ως) λ(ίτραι) λ μ(όναι) ἐσιμιωσάμην
κρ(έως) λ(ίτρας) τρια]κοτα
μόνας πρὸς τοὺς κλ(ηρονόμους) Φοιβάμμωνος μαγείρ(ου)
No Latin text was found in the document.
The word (to) the heirs of Phoibammōn the cook
And I received thanks for the portions of the barley and the thirty litra of meat. There are (liters) of meat.
Of the thirty litra of meat
To the heirs of Phoibammōn the cook
I noted