Ἀσσκαλᾶ τῶι ἀνδρ̣ὶ̣
εα εὑρεῖν ἔνενκε
στρωι γείνωσκε, ὡ̣ς παρὰ τ̣[οῦ πα-]
τρός σου ἐπιστολὰς ἔ̣[λαβον]
καὶ παρὰ Φιλοστράτου· φ̣[έρει]
σοι αὐτὰς Ἀκρίσιο̣ς̣ ο̣υ
ἐπίστευον κομίσαι δέ̣κ̣α̣ ὄρτυγας παρὰ
φεῦτος· πάντως καὶ, ὅσους ἂν δύνηι̣, ζ̣ῶντας ἔνεν̣[κε]
ἄγε ὥλκασσον
δὲ τὴν τρ̣[ο-] φὴν ἐκ τοῦ ὕδατος.
[δὸς(?)] Ἑρμαγόραι.
None extracted.
To Asskala, to the man:
To find you, I have sent...
As for the bed, know that I have received your letters...
And from Philostratus, he brings them to you, Acrisius...
I believed it was possible to bring ten quails from...
Petaruthos; certainly, as many as you can, living, bring them...
Lead them to the nourishment from the water.
Be well.
[Give(?)] to Hermagoras.