ἐπ’ Ἀπολλωνίου τοῦ πρὸς τῆι ἀγορανομίαι τῶν Μεμ(νονέων) καὶ τῆς κάτω τοπαρχίας τοῦ Παθυρίτου.
ἐμίσθωσεν Τοτοῆς Ζμανρέους Ταχράτει Πεσούριος Περσίνηι μετὰ κυρίου τοῦ ἑαυ-
τῆς υἱοῦ Παμώνθου τοῦ Ψε-
ναμούνιος τὴν ὑπάρχουσαν
αὐτῶι γῆν ἐμ
νώφει ἀρου(ρῶν)
ὧν γείτονες νότου γῆ Πασήμιος τοῦ Θοτέ-
ως, βορρᾶ γῆ Ὀννώφριος τοῦ Ψε-
ἧς ἀνὰ μέσον σωλῆ-
νος, ἀπηλιώτου Πατίνιος,
λιβὸς γῆ Ὀννώφριος τοῦ Ψεμμί-
νιος, ἢ οἳ ἂν ὦσιν γείτονες πάν-
τοθεν, εἰς τὸν σπόρον τοῦ
ἀρακώσασθαι τὴν προγεγραμ-
μένην γῆν, εἰσμετροῦντος
δὲ τῆς βρεχησομένης γῆς εἰς
τὸ βασιλικὸν <τὰ> καθήκοντα
ἐκφόρια· ἐφʼ ὧι δώσει Ταχρά-
της τῶι Τοτοήτει ἡμιαρού(ριον)
ἀράκου καὶ δώσει Τοτοῆς τῆι Ταχράτει (πυροῦ) ἀρτά(βας)
δύο ἐπὶ τῶν ἁλώνων ὑπὲρ τοῦ
ἡμιαρου(ρίου) ἀράκου· μὴ ἐξέστωι
δὲ τῶι γεούχωι ἑτέροις ἐγμισ-
ἐντὸς τοῦ χρόνου
δὲ τῆι γεωργίσσα
τὴν γῆν <ἐντὸς> τοῦ χρόνου· παραδότωι
δὲ τὴν ἑαυτοῦ γῆν καὶ οὗ
ἐὰν αἱρῆται ἐγμισθοῦν.
Ἀπολλώ(νιος) κεχρη(μάτικα).
(No Latin text was extracted from the document.)
Year of Phaiophis, in the time of Apollonius concerning the market regulations of the Memnonites and the lower toparchy of Pathyrites.
Tothoes Zmanreus leased to Takhrate Pesourios Persini with the lord of her son Pamonthos the Psenamounios the existing land to him in the land of Pestene-
menophis of arouras, whose neighbors are the southern land of Pasemios of Thoteos, the northern land of Onnophrios of Pse-
minios, which is in the middle of the sown land, the sun-baked Patinios, the fertile land of Onnophrios of Psemminios, or whoever may be neighbors from all sides, to the seed of the year to be sown the aforementioned land, measuring the wet land into the royal duties of the harvest; on which Takhrate will give to Tothoete the half-arour of sowing and will give to Tothoes the Takhrate (of wheat) two arta-
bas over the fields above the half-arour of sowing; let it not be permitted to the landholder to lease to others within the time, nor to the farmer to leave the land within the time; let him hand over his own land and wherever he may choose to lease.
Apollonius has made this decree.