παρὰ Πλουτίωνος κωμογρα(μματέως) Θεαδελ(φείας).
λόγος ἐπισπουδασμοῦ φορέτρων
δραγματηγίας καὶ σακκηγί(ας) τοῦ ἐνεστ(ῶτος)
(ἔτους) Ἀντωνείνου Καίσαρος τοῦ κυρίου.
εἰσὶν ἀποτάκτου (ἔτους) πυροῦ (ἀρτάβαι) Βσι 𐅵 η´,
ἀναγρα(φόμεναι) δὲ περὶ τὴν κώμην τῶι ἐνεστ(ῶτι)
(ἔτει) βασιλ(ικῆς) γῆς διὰ δη(μοσίων) γεωργῶν (ἄρουραι) Βωε λβ´,
ἱερατικ(ῶν) τῶν ἐν ἐκφο(ρίωι) (ἄρουραι) ξβ 𐅸,
προσοδ(ικῶν) ἐδαφῶν (ἄρουραι) ρξη · γ(ίνονται) διὰ δη(μοσίων) γεω(ργῶν) (ἄρουραι) Γλε 𐅸 λβ´.
καὶ διὰ κληρούχ(ων) διὰ τῶν κατὰ μέρος̣ (ἄρουραι) με 𐅸,
ἱερατικῶν τῶν ἐν ἐκφο(ρίωι) (ἄρουραι) γ,
καθηκόντων ἱερα(τικῶν) ἐδ(αφῶν) (ἄρουραι) λη ιϛ´ ξδ´,
καθηκόντων ἰδιω(τικῶν) ἐδ(αφῶν) (ἄρουραι) Βρξα η´ λβ´ ·
γ(ίνονται) διὰ κληρούχ(ων) (ἄρουραι) Βσμζ 𐅸 η´ ιϛ´ λβ´ ξδ´.
γ(ίνονται) (ἄρουραι) Εσπγ 𐅸 ξδ´.
ὧν εἰσιν α[ -ca.?- ] τῶι λόγωι α̣[ -ca.?- ] ἁλωνε[ιῶν] (*)
[ -ca.?- ] χέρσου κ[αὶ -ca.?- ] ἄλλαι χα̣[ -ca.?- ]
διαστο̣[ -ca.?- ] γ(ίνονται) [ -ca.?- ] ἀπὸ δὲ ἰδιω(τικῆς) γ[ῆς -ca.?- ] καὶ κοιλω(μάτων) [ -ca.?- ] ἐκκεχωρη(μέν ) ω[ -ca.?- ]
(ἄρουραι) [ -ca.?- ] φόρου ἐδα[φῶν -ca.?- ] ἐκκεχωρη(μέν ) λ̣ ̣ ̣ [ -ca.?- ] πρὸς μνημίοις (*)
(ἄρουραι) [ -ca.?- ] γ(ίνονται) καὶ τούτων (ἄρουραι) ρη̣ [ -ca.?- ]
γ(ίνονται) τῶν κουφιζο(μένων) (ἄρουραι) [ -ca.?- ] λοιπ(αὶ) (ἄρουραι) Εοζ δ´ [̣ ̣ ὧν] διὰ δη(μοσίων) γεωργῶ(ν) (ἄρουραι) [ -ca.?- ] καὶ διὰ κ̣λ̣ηρούχ(ων) (ἄρουραι) [ -ca.?- ]
(No Latin text was extracted from the document.)
From Plutio, the village secretary of Theadelpheia.
A discourse on the urgency of the burdens of tax farming and sack collecting of the current year of the lord Caesar Antoninus.
There are records of the year of wheat (harvest) Bsi 𐅵 η´,
and they are recorded concerning the village in the current year of the royal land through public farmers (arable lands) Boe λβ´,
of the priestly lands in the exchequer (arable lands) ξβ 𐅸,
of the taxable lands (arable lands) ρξη · they are made through public farmers (arable lands) Gle 𐅸 λβ´.
And through landholders through the local (arable lands) me 𐅸,
of the priestly lands in the exchequer (arable lands) g,
of the priestly lands (arable lands) λη ιϛ´ ξδ´,
of the private lands (arable lands) Brxa η´ λβ´ ·
they are made through landholders (arable lands) Bsmz 𐅸 η´ ιϛ´ λβ´ ξδ´.
They are made (arable lands) Espg 𐅸 ξδ´.
Of which there are a[ -ca.?- ] in the discourse ạ[ -ca.?- ] of the threshing (*)
[ -ca.?- ] of the uncultivated land k[and -ca.?- ] other uncultivated lands.
They are made [ -ca.?- ] from private land [ -ca.?- ] and of hollows [ -ca.?- ] that are allocated.
(arable lands) [ -ca.?- ] of the tribute lands [ -ca.?- ] that are allocated towards memorials (*)
(arable lands) [ -ca.?- ] they are made and of these (arable lands) ρη̣ [ -ca.?- ]
they are made of the lightened (arable lands) [ -ca.?- ] remaining (arable lands) Eoz δ´ [̣ ̣ of which] through public farmers (arable lands) [ -ca.?- ] and through landholders (arable lands) [ -ca.?- ].