Σαραπίων Πετειμούθηι χα̣ί̣ρ̣ειν. τ̣ο̣ῦ̣ πρὸς Λ[ε]ωνίδην τὸν σιτολόγον χρηματισμοῦ ἀντίγραφον ὑπόκειται. ἔρρω(σο) (ἔτους) λβ Ἁθὺρ κθ
(hand 2) Λεωνίδηι σιτολόγ̣ωι. τ̣ῆ̣ς̣ πα̣ρὰ Πετειμούθου τοὺ βασιλικοῦ γραμματέως ἐπι- στολῆς περὶ ὧν̣ γρ̣άφει δεῖν χρη̣ματισθῆν̣αι ε̣ἰ̣ς̣ δάνεια τοῦ εἰς τὸ λ̣β (ἔτος) σπόρου
Σ̣εμθεῖ τοπο[γ]ραμ̣ματεῖ τῶν περὶ Φέβιχιν ὥστε τοῖς ἐκ τοῦ̣ τ̣όπου βασιλικοῖς κ̣αὶ βα̣σιλίσ̣σ̣ης κα[ὶ] πασῶν προσόδω̣ν γεωργοῖς ἀντίγρ(αφον) ὑπόκειται. ἀ̣πὸ τῶν ὑπ̣[ο-] σεσημαμμ̣έν̣ων (*). ὑπʼ αὐτοῦ (ἀρταβῶν(?)) Ασκβ (ἥμισυ)
ἀνταναιροῦνται αἱ ἐπεστα̣λμέναι Σεμ̣θ̣[εῖ] καὶ τοῖς σὺν [αὐ(τῶι) σι]τολόγοις ἀπὸ [τ]ο̣ῦ ἐκ τοῦ Ἀρσινοίτου μετηγμένου [πυροῦ] καὶ ὧν ἀν[ε-]νήνοχας δεδ̣ωκένα̣[ι] αὐτῶ[ι] ἀ̣ρτάβ(ας) [Α]κδ (ἥμισυ), γίνεται
Ακδ (ἥμισυ), τὰς λοι[πὰς] μέτρησον σ̣υνυπογράφοντος Θήριδ̣ο̣ς̣ τοῦ συγγενοῦς καὶ στ̣ρατη{ι}γοῦ κ̣α̣ὶ̣ τ̣οῦ Π[ετει]μ̣ου πρότ[ερ(ον)] λ̣ηφθείσης χειρογραφίας̣ ὅ̣ρκου βασιλικοῦ περὶ̣ τοῦ κατασπερ̣εῖν καὶ μ̣η̣δεμ̣ίαν α[ -ca.?- ] ἐάσ̣ε̣ιν εἰς ἄσπ̣ορον κ̣αὶ [π]αρ̣[α]δώσειν ἐγγ (*)
νέων ἅμα τοῖς τῆς γῆς ἐκφορίοις ἀνυπ[ό-] λογον παντὸς ὑπολ̣ό̣γ̣[ο]υ ὄντες ἀλλήλων ἔγγυοι εἰς ἔκτισιν, ὧν τὴν ἀνάδοσιν μ̣[ετρ-] ῆσαι αὐτοῖς τοῖς γε[ωρ]γ̣οῖ[ς, μ]ε̣τὰ τῆς τοῦ Σεμθέως καὶ τῶν ἄλλων εἰθισμένων γν[ώμ(ης)]
πυροῦ ἀρτάβας̣ ἐκατ̣ὸ̣ν̣ ἐ̣[νε]νήκοντα ὀκτώ, (γίνονται) (ἀρτάβαι) ρϙη, καὶ σύ(μβολον) καὶ ἀντισύ(μβολον) πόη̣σ̣α̣ι̣ (*) πρὸς αὐ(τοὺς) ὡς καθή(κει).
Πετειμούθης̣ [Σαρα]π̣ί̣ωνι χαίρειν. ἧς γεγράφαμεν Θήριδι τῶι συγγενεῖ καὶ στ[ρατ(ηγῶι)] ἐπιστολῆς ἀ̣ντ̣[ί]γ̣ρ̣α̣φ̣ο̣ν̣ ὑ̣πόκειται, ὅπως εἰδὼς συντάξῃς ἐπιστεῖλαι τῶ̣[ι] σιτολόγωι προέσθ̣[αι ὡς] καθήκει τὰς δηλουμένας (πυροῦ) (ἀρτάβας) χιλία̣ς διακοσίας ἕ[ι]κοσι δύο ἥ[μισυ.] (ἔτους) λβ Ἁθὺρ ιβ
[Θή]ριδι. τῆς παρ̣[ὰ] Σ̣ε̣[μ]θ̣[έως] τοπογραμματέως τῶν περὶ Φέβιχιν ἀναφορᾶ[ς] [ἀν]τίγραφο̣ν̣ ὑπο̣[τε]τ[άχ]αμ̣εν. ἐπεὶ οὖν ἀνενηνόχασιν οἱ γραμματεῖς δεῖν [με-] [τρη]θῆναι ἀπὸ τοῦ [ἐκ] τ̣ο̣[ῦ] Ἀ̣ρ̣σινοίτου μετηγ̣μ̣ένου πυροῦ τὰς δηλουμένας (ἀρτάβας) Ασκ̣[β (ἥμισυ),] [καλ]ῶς ποήσεις (*) συντά̣ξ̣α̣ς̣ ἐ̣π̣ιστεῖλαι προέσθαι ὡς καθήκει.
(No Latin text found in the document)
Sarapion, greetings to Petemouthis. An excerpt of the financial transaction concerning Leonidas the grain dealer is under consideration. Farewell (year) 32 Hathur.
(hand 2) To Leonidas the grain dealer. The letter from Petemouthis, the royal secretary, regarding what he writes should be transacted into loans for the year of the harvest.
Semtheus, the topographer of the regions around Phebiichin, is to provide the royal officials and the queen with an account of all revenues for the farmers. This is based on the marked records.
From him (of the artabans?) half are to be taken by the appointed Semtheus and the grain dealers from the transformed wheat of Arsinoe and what you have received from him in artabas.
It is to be done, the remaining ones should be measured, with the signature of Theridios, the relative and general, and of Petemou, previously received from the handwritten oath of the king regarding the sowing and not allowing any to be left as waste and to deliver it to the new ones along with the land's exports, being accountable for every obligation, being mutual guarantees for the establishment, of which the donation is to be measured for them to the farmers, along with the opinion of Semtheus and the others accustomed to the wheat artabas.
One hundred and eighty artabas are to be made, and a symbol and counter-symbol are to be made for them as is appropriate.
Petemouthis greets Sarapion. As we have written to Theridios, the relative and general, an excerpt of the letter is under consideration, so that knowing you may arrange to send to the grain dealer as is appropriate the declared (wheat) (artabas) of two hundred and twenty-two half (year) 32 Hathur.
To Theridios. The letter from Semtheus, the topographer of the regions around Phebiichin, is under consideration. Since the secretaries have been informed, it is necessary to measure from the transformed wheat of Arsinoe the declared (artabas).
It is to be done, you should arrange to send as is appropriate.