ἔτους ζ Χοιὰχ ε ἐν Π̣[αθύρει] ἐφʼ Ἡλιοδώρου ἀγορανόμο̣[υ· ἐδάνεισεν] Πατοῦς Παθώτου Πέρ[σης -ca.?- ] Σλήιος Πέρσηι καὶ Ψενν̣[ήσει -ca.?- (*) ] καὶ Ψεννησει Πα̣τῆτ̣[ος Πέρς ̣ ̣ τῆς] [ἐ]π̣ιγονῆς (πυροῦ) ἀρ(τάβας) ιϛ ἄτ[οκα· τὸ δὲ δά(νειον)] [τοῦ]το ἀποδότωσαν οἱ δ[εδα(νεισμένοι) ἐν μ(ηνὶ) Παχὼν] [τοῦ] ζ (ἔτους) νέον κ̣α̣θ̣α̣[ρὸν -ca.?- ]
(No Latin text extracted)
Year 7, in the month of [Pathyrei], on the day of Heliodorus, the agoranomos lent to Patous, son of Pathotus, a Persian. Sleiios, a Persian, and Psennesis, and Psennesis, son of Patetes, a Persian, of the [epigonē] (of grain) 16% interest; the loan shall be repaid by those who have borrowed in the month of Pachon, of the new year.