ἡμὲν νεα φα προσφορᾶς ὁρῶν χρήσιμον ον σ υ καλῶς ποιήσετε ὑπ οὐ καθος τῶν δὲ χρηματιζο ν οχει πρὸς ἡμᾶς ὅπως εἰδῶμεν
Μενάδης τῆς περὶ Κρίτωνος καὶ τῶν τοπογραμματέω[ν] ἵνα ἀκολούθως Θεόμνη[σ]τος φιλιν
ἐγὼ τοια ὑφʼ ὧν ωνατ αε τ σ συναροσστα̣χαδμ μαντ κπερ σαντ ευρωμε σ πε ἐμῶν μάλιστα
(No Latin text was extracted from the document.)
"We see the new offering as useful, you will do well under the circumstances of the financial matters that are directed towards us so that we may know.
Menander concerning Criton and the topographers, in order to follow, Theomnestus friend.
I, such as under those who are in need, the gathering of the assembly, having been gathered, especially in my matters."