Στοτοῆτις Πακύσεως ἱερεὺς ἀπὸ κώμης Σοκνοπαίου Νήσου. παρὰ Αὐρηλίου Τρύφωνος Σαραπίωνος ἀπὸ κώμης Ἡρακλείας. βούλομαι μισθῶσθαι τὸ ὕπαρχόν σοι περὶ κώμην Ἡρ[ά-]κλειαν τῆς Θεσμίστου κλήρου κατοικικοῦ ἀρούρας πέντε , ἐν μιᾷ σφραγῖδι, εἰς ἔτη δύο ἀπὸ τοῦ ἰσιόντος ἔτους, ἐκφορίου τοῦ παντὸς κατʼ ἔτος πυροῦ ἀρτάβας δέκα ὀκτώ . τὸ μὲν ἐκφόριον ἀποδώσω ἐν μηνὶ Παῦνι μέτρωι Ἀρητίωνος ἐφʼ ἅλῳ· τῶν δημοσίων πάντων ὄντων πρὸς τὸν Στοτοῆτιν, χωρὶς φολέτρων καὶ μετὰ τὸν χρόνον παραδώσω τὸν κλῆρον ἀρούρας δύο ἀπὸ ἀναπαύματος λαχανοσπέρμου, τὰς λοιπὰς ἀρούρας τρῖς ἀπὸ καλάμης καὶ ἐπιτελέσω τὰ κατʼ ἔτος ἔργα πάντα ὅσα καθήκει ἐκ τ[οῦ ἰδί]ου. Τρύφων ὡς ἐτῶν κε ἄσημος (ἔτους) γ Αὐτοκράτορος Καίσαρος Μάρκου Αὐρηλ[ίο]υ Ἀντωνίνου Εὐσεβοῦς Εὐτυχοῦς Σεβαστοῦ Μεσορὴ λ.
To Stototitis of Pakyseos, priest from the village of Soknopaiou Nēsos. From Aurelius Tryphon of Sarapion from the village of Herakleia. I wish to lease from you the property concerning the village of Herakleia of the Themistus estate, five acres, in one seal, for two years from the year of the harvest, the tax of the whole per year being eight artabas of grain. I will pay the tax in the month of Pauni, in the measure of Aretition, at sea; all public matters being towards Stototitis, without burdens, and after the time I will hand over the estate of two acres from the rest of the vegetable seeds, the remaining three acres from the stalks, and I will complete all the annual works that are due from my own. Tryphon, as of years, is without a name (year) 3 of the Emperor Caesar Marcus Aurelius Antoninus the Pious the Fortunate Augustus Mesorē.