σὲμιδάλιος χ(οινικ)
δάλιος χ(οίνικες)
δαρσωι σεμιδάλ(ιος) ἀρ(τάβαι)
δά̣λ̣ιος χ(οίνικες)
Φίλων σιτοποιὸς
Ἱεροσολύμοις ἀλεύρ(ων) ἀρ(τάβαι)
παρὰ Τουβίου ἀρ(τάβη)
ωτι ἀρ(τάβη)
None extracted.
Semidalius of the wine (or wine-related)
Dalios of the wines
From Darsos, Semidalius of the offerings
Dalios of the wines
Philon, the grain merchant
To the people of Jerusalem, of flour offerings
From Tubius, of the offerings
Of the offerings