Νικάνωρ Ζήνωνι [χα]ίρειν. περὶ τῶν καμή[λων], ἐνετύχομεν Λιβάν[ωι] τὸν χόρτον̣ [ ̣ ̣ ̣ ̣ ̣ ̣ ̣ ]αι. ἔρρωσο. (ἔτους) λ , Ἀρτεμισίου κγ .
(ἔτους) λ , Ἀρτεμι[σί]ου κ̣ε̣ , Π̣[αχὼνς κε].
Νικάνωρ καμηλίων. [Ζ]ήνωνι.
None extracted.
Nicanor to Zenon, greetings. Concerning the camels, we encountered Libanus the grass. Be well. (Year) l, of Artemisius, 23.
(Year) l, of Artemisius, k, Pachons k.
Nicanor of the camels. [Z]enon.