Ἀγάθων Ζήν̣ωνι χαίρειν. ἔδωκέ μ[οι Μ]ῆστρις ἡ Ἀθηνα[ίδος τῆς] Μενίππου γυναικὸς μήτηρ ἃ ἔφη σὰ ε[ἶνα]ι, χλαμύδα, [χιτῶνας] δύο, τούτων τὸν ἕνα χειριδωτόν. εἴργασμαι οὖν αὐτ̣[ὰ] καὶ [ ̣ ̣ ̣ ̣ ̣ ̣ ̣ ] παρʼ ἐμοί. γράψον οὖμ (*) μοί τίνι συντάσσ̣[εις] δ̣οῦναι α[ὐ]τά, ὃς ἀ[ποκομιεῖ] πρὸς σέ. ἔρρωσο. (ἔτους) γ [ -ca.?- ] v (ἔτους) λ, Δαισίου ιθ, Παῦνι ιθ, Ἀγάθων ὧν ἔχε[ι π]αρὰ Μήσ̣τριος. Ζήνωνι.
(No Latin text was found in the extracted content.)
Agathon, greetings to Zenon. The mother of Menippus, who is from Athens, gave me the cloak and two tunics, one of which is hand-made. Therefore, I have worked on these and they are with me. Write to me, therefore, to whom you are arranging to give these, who will take them to you. Farewell. (Year) g [ -ca.?- ] v (Year) l, of Daisios 19, of Pauni 19, Agathon, which he has from Mestrios. To Zenon.