Κοίντωι Πακιλλ̣ίωι
ἐπιστάτηι φυλακειτῶν
παρὰ Σωτηρίχου τοῦ Ὀνησίμου. Σεύθης καὶ οἱ λοιποὶ τυνβωρύχοι
τῶν ἀπὸ Αὑήρεως ἐπιβαρόντες
ἔτι πάλλαι εἰς πατρικὸν ἡμῶν τάφον κατέσπασαν
καὶ τὸ ἐπίστομα ἤροσαν
καὶ ἱκανὰ ἀτοπήματα ἐπόησαν.
διὸ ἀξιῶι γραφῆναι
τῷ τῶν τυμβωρύχων ἡγουμένωι ἐκπέμψαι αὐτοὺς ἐπὶ σὲ
πρὸς τὴν ἐσομένην ἐπέξοδον.
εὐτύ(χει) τῶι ἡγουμένωι κατὰ τὰ προδεδ(ηλωμένα) ἔκπεμ(ψον) αὐτο(ὺς) ἐπ’ ἐ(μέ). (ἔτους) μβ
Καίσαρος Φαρμου(θὶ) ιγ.
Αὑήρ(εως) τῶι ἡγουμένωι
(No Latin text was found in the extracted document.)
To Kointos Pakillios,
To Euxeinos,
overseer of the guardians,
from Soterichos the Onisimus. Seuthes and the other tomb robbers
from Auheres, having boarded,
still long ago into our ancestral tomb they broke in
and they took the lid
and they committed many offenses.
Therefore, I deem it necessary to write
to the leader of the tomb robbers to send them to you
for the forthcoming exit.
May it be well with the leader according to the previously stated.
Send them to me. (Year) 15 of Caesar, Pharmouthi 13.
From Auheres to the leader.