μετὰ τὴν ὑπατείαν Φ̣λαουίων Ῥιχομηρίου καὶ Κλεάρχου τῶν̣ λαμ(προτάτων), Θὼθ α. Φλαουΐῳ Σαραποδ̣ώρ̣ῳ λογιστῇ Ὀξυρ(υγχίτου) παρὰ Αὐρηλίο̣υ Ἡ̣[λι]ο̣δ̣ώ̣ρου Μουσέως ἀπὸ τῆς αὐτῆς πόλ̣εως συστ̣ά̣του τῆς νυνὶ λιτουργ̣ούσης (*) φυλῆς Δρόμου Γυμνασίου καὶ ἄλλων ἀμφό-δων δι’ ἐμοῦ τοῦ υ (*) ἱ (*) οῦ Παρίωνος. δίδωμει (*) καὶ εἰσαγ̣γέλλω τῷ ἰ (*) δίῳ μου κινδύνῳ εἰς χώραν ἁλιαδίτου ἤτοι γραμμ̣ατ̣η̣φ̣όρω (*) τοῦ ὀξέου (*) δρόμου ἐφ̣’ (*) ἐ̣[νιαυτὸν ἕνα] τῶν ἀπὸ ν[εομηνίας Θωθ ἕως] Μεσορη ἐ̣[παγομένων πέμπτης]
(No Latin text was extracted from the document.)
After the magistracy of the Flavians Rikhomerius and Clearchus of the most illustrious, Thoth. To Flavius Sarapodorus, accountant of Oxyrhynchus, from Aurelius Heliodorus of the Muse, from the same city, the one currently serving, of the tribe of the Gymnasium Road and other crossroads through me, the son of (*) the man of Parion. I give (*) and I report to my private (*) individual, at the risk of entering the land of the sea, namely, the one who bears the writing (*) of the sharp (*) road for one year of those from the new moon of Thoth until the fifth of Mesore.