Ἀσκληπιάδ̣ει συγγενεῖ καὶ στρατηγῶι
παρὰ Διονυ̣σ[ί]ο̣υ τοῦ Κεφαλᾶ βασιλικοῦ γεωργοῦ
τῶν ἐκ κώμη̣ς Τήνεως τῆς καὶ
τοῦ Μωχίτου̣. διὰ τὰς ἐπὶ τοῦ πράγματος ὑπο-
δειχθησομ̣έ[ν]ας αἰτίας γραψαμένου ἐμοῦ τε
καὶ τῆς μη̣[τρ]ός μου Σεναβολλοῦτος Ἀδμή-
τῶι τῶι καὶ Χ̣εσθώτηι τῶν ἐκ τῆς αὐτῆς
κώμης συγ̣γ̣ρ̣αφὴν δανείου διὰ τοῦ μνημο-
νείου πυρῶν̣ (ἀρταβῶν)
ἐν τῶι θ (ἔτει), οὐ μόνον,
δʼ ἀλλὰ καὶ ἐθέμ̣ην αὐτῶι̣ ἐν πίστει καθʼ ὧν
ἔχω ψιλῶν τό̣π̣ων συγγραφ̣ὴν ὑποθήκης·
ὁ ἐγκαλούμεν̣ο̣ς ἐγκρατὴς̣ γενόμενος
τῶν συναλλάξ̣[ε]ω̣ν οὐθὲν τῶν διασταθέντων
μοί πρὸς αὐτὸ̣ν̣ ἐπὶ τέλος ἤγαγεν, ὧν
χάριν οὐκ ὀλί[α] μοι βλάβη διʼ αὐτὸν παρη-
κολλούθησεν· κ̣[α]ὶ̣ νῦν δʼ ἐπʼ ἀδίκου στάσεως
ἱστάμενος, συν̣ορῶν με περὶ τὴν κατα-
σπορὰν ἧς γεω̣ρ̣γῶ γῆς κατασχολούμενον,
καταδρομάς μο̣υ ποιούμενος οὐκ ἐᾷ <με> πρὸς
τῆι γεωργίᾳ γίν̣εσθαι παρὰ τὰ περὶ ἡμῶν
τῶν γεωργῶν δι̣ὰ̣ πλειόνων προστετα-
γμ̣ένα· ὅθεν τῆ̣[ς γ]ῆς ἐ̣κφ̣υ̣[γεῖ]ν κινδυνευ-
ού̣σης ἠνάγ̣κ̣α̣σ̣μαι, ἐπ̣ὶ̣ τ̣οῦ̣ παρόντος
οὐ δυν̣άμενος π̣ρὸς αὐτὸν περὶ τῶν συν-
αλλαγμάτων δ[ι]αδικεῖν, τὴν ἐπὶ σὲ κατα-
φυγὴν ποιήσασθ̣αι. ἀξιῶ, ἐὰν φ̣αίνηται,
συντάξαι πρὸ π̣ά̣ντων μὲν γράψαι τῶι τῆς
Ἀκώρεως ἐπιστ̣[ά]τ̣ει μὴ ἐπιτρέ̣πειν τῶι
ἐγκαλουμένω̣ι̣ μήτʼ ἐμὲ μή̣τε τὴν
μητέρα μου πα̣ρενοχλεῖν, δοῦναι
δʼ ἐμοὶ τὰς πίστε̣ις διʼ ἐγγράπτω̣ν, μέχρι τοῦ
ἀπὸ τῆς κατασπ̣ορᾶς γενόμενόν με
συστήσασθαι αὐ̣τῶι τὸν περὶ ἑκάστων
λόγον· τούτου δὲ̣ γενομένου οὐθ̣ὲν τῶν τῶι
βασιλεῖ χρησίμ̣ω̣ν διαπεσεῖται, ἐγώ τʼ ἔ-
σο̣μ̣αι ἀντειλη̣μ̣μένος.
(hand 2) Βίαντι· ε[ἰ ἔ]σ̣τ̣ι̣ βα̣σιλικὸς
γεωργός, [π]ρ̣ονοηθῆναι ὡς
ἀπερίσπα̣[στ]ο̣ς̣ κατασταθήσεται
μέχρι ἂν [ἀπὸ] τ̣οῦ σπόρου
(hand 3) Διονυσίου
☓ Βίαντι.
(No Latin text was found in the document.)
To Asclepiades, relative and general, from Dionysius of Cephalus, royal farmer of those from the village of Tynes and Akoreos of Mochitus. Due to the reasons indicated in the matter, written by me and my mother Senabollotus to Admetos and Cheshtotes of the same village, a loan agreement through the memorial of fires (of the arta) in the year (date), not only, but also I established for him in trust concerning the plain lands of the written deed; the accused, having become self-controlled of the transactions, brought nothing of the settled matters to an end with him, for which reason I have suffered no small harm through him; and now standing in an unjust situation, seeing me concerning the sowing of the land I cultivate, making incursions against me does not allow me to engage in farming contrary to the matters concerning us farmers, as ordered by many; hence, being in danger of fleeing from the land, I have been compelled, at this present time, unable to deal with him concerning the transactions, to seek refuge with you. I request, if it seems appropriate, to draft before all to the governor of Akoreos not to allow the accused to harass either me or my mother, to give me the trusts through written documents, until I can establish myself with him concerning each matter; when this has happened, nothing of the useful matters to the king will be lost, and I will be considered to be supported. Good luck. (hand 2) To Bianthus: if he is a royal farmer, it should be foreseen that he will be established as undisturbed until he becomes from the seed. (year) 12 Thoth 24. (hand 3) Of Dionysius × Bianthus.