ἑτέρων καὶ μὲν εἰσενηνεγμένων ἀτοῦτων ἐμοῦ περὶ ἐμπόρων, ἀξιῶ, ἐὰν φαίνηται, μεταπεμψάμενον τὸν Περυινο προνοηθῆναι, ὡς ἐγὼ μὲν τὰ προκείμενα κομίσομαι, αὐτὸς δὲ τεύξεται τῆς ἁρμοζοῦσης ἐπιπλήξεως. [εὐτύχει.]
κατὰ Περεώυος
"Of others and indeed of those who have been brought in, I claim, if it seems, that the merchant, having been sent, should be provided for, as I will take care of the matters at hand, but he will be provided for the fitting reprimand. [May he be fortunate.]"