Ἔτους μδ Παῦνι θ ἐν Παθύρει ἐπʼ Ἀσκληπιάδου ἀγορανόμου. Τάτε διέθετο ὑγιαίνων νοῶν φρονῶν Δρύτων Παμφίλου Κρὴς τῶν διαδόχων καὶ [τοῦ ἐπιτάγματος ἱππάρχη]ς ἐπʼ ἀνδρῶν· εἴ̣ηι μέμ μοι ὑγιαίνοντι τῶν ἐμαυτοῦ κύριον εἶναι· ἐὰν δέ τι ἀνθρώπινον πάθω, καταλείπω καὶ [δίδωμι τὰ ὑπάρχοντά μοι ἔγγα]ι̣ά τε καὶ ἔπιπλα καὶ κτήνη καὶ ὅσα ἂν προσεπικτήσωμαι, τὸν μὲν ἱππον ἐφʼ οὗ στρατεύομαι καὶ τὰ ὅπλα [πάντα Ἐσθλάδαι τῶι ἐξ ἐμ]οῦ ἐξ Σαραπιάδος τῆς Ἐσθλάδου τοῦ Θεωνος ἀστῆς ἧι συνήμην γυναικὶ κατὰ νόμους καὶ κατὰ διαθήκην [τὴν κεχρηματισμένην] δ̣ιὰ τοῦ ἐν Διὸς πό(λει) τῆι μι(κρᾶι) ἀρχείου ἐπὶ Διονυσίου ἀγορανόμου ἐν τῶι ϛ (ἔτους) ἐπὶ τοῦ Φιλομήτορος, ἣ διασαφεῖ τά τε ἄλλα [καὶ ἐπίτροπον Ἑρμ̣φιλο]ν ὄντα συγγενηι (*)
κατέστησεν καὶ ἀπὸ τῶν οἰκετικῶν σωμάτων δ ὧν ὀνόματα Μυρσίνην καὶ ταύτης [ - ca.12 - τὰ δὲ] λοιπὰ θη̣[λ]υκὰ β αἷς ὄνομα Εἰρήνην καὶ Ἀμπέλιον Ἀπολλωνίαι καὶ ταῖς ἀδ(ελφαῖς) οὐσι (*)
ε καὶ τον υπαρχοντα (*) μοι ἐπὶ τοῦ [Κόχλακος τῆς Ἀραβία]ς τοῦ Πα̣[θυ]ρ̣(ίτου) ἔδα(φος) ἀμπελῶ(νος) καὶ τὰ ἐν τούτωι φρέατα ἐξ ὀπτῆς πλί(νθου) καὶ τἆλλα συνκύροντα καὶ τὴν ἅμαξαν σὺν τῆι [ἐπισκευῆι καὶ τὸν περιστ]ερῶνα κ[α]ὶ̣ τὸν ἄλλον ἡ̣μιτέλεστον καὶ αὐλὴν ὧν γείτονες νό(του) ψιλοὶ <τόποι> τοῦ αὐ(τοῦ) Ἐσθλάδου βο(ρρᾶ) οἶκος κεκαμαρωμένος Ἀπολλω(νίας) τῆς νεω(τέρας) [ἀπη]λ̣ι(ώτου) τόπο̣[ς ̣ ̣ ̣ ̣ ̣ ̣ ]ς Πετρας[ ̣ ̣ ] ̣ τοῦ Ἐσθλάδ̣[ο]υ̣ λι(βὸς) ψιλὸς τόπος Ἐσθλάδου ἕως τῆς ἀνεῳγμένης θύ(ρας) ἐπὶ λίβα·
τοὺς δὲ λο(ιποὺς) οἴκους καὶ χρηστῆρας [καὶ π]α̣λ̣α̣ιὰν [ ̣ ̣ ̣ ̣ ̣ ̣ ] καὶ ψιλὸν τόπον εἰς [π]εριστερῶνα ἀποδεδειγμένον ὑποκάτω τῆς Ἐσθλά(δου) θύ(ρας) καὶ ἀπὸ λι(βὸς) τῆς καμάρας δίδωμι [Ἀπολ]λωνίαι καὶ Ἀριστοῖ καὶ Ἀφροδισίαι καὶ Νι[κα]ρίωι καὶ Ἀπολλωνίαι νεωτέραι οὐσι (*)
ε ταῖς ἐξ ἐμοῦ καὶ ἐξ Ἀπολλωνίας τῆς καὶ Σεμμώνθιος [ἧι σύ]νειμι γυ(ναικὶ) κατὰ νό(μους) καὶ τὰ θη[λ]υκὰ β σώμα[τ]α καὶ τὴν βοῦν ἐξ ἴσου κυριευέτωσαν ταῖς οἰκίαις καθʼ ὃν πεποίημαι μερισμόν· [δότ]ω δὲ Ἐσθλάδας ἀπὸ τοῦ δεδομένου αὐ(τῶι) ψιλο[ῦ τ]όπου ἀπέναντι τῆς θύ(ρας) αὐ(τοῦ) ἐπὶ λίβ[α] πή(χεις) ἐμβαδοὺς δ εἰς κλιβάνου τόπον· τὰ δὲ λο(ιπὰ) οἰκόπεδα [καὶ ψι]λ̣οι τοποι (*)
ἐν Δι(ος) πό(λει) τῆι μεγά(ληι) ἐν τῶι Ἀμμω(νιείωι) [κ]αὶ ἐν τοῖς Κεραμείοις ἐχέτω Ἐσθλάδας κατὰ τὸ (ἥμισυ) Ἀπολλω(νία) δὲ καὶ ἀδελφαὶ κατὰ τὸ (ἥμισυ) καὶ [τἆλλα ὑ]πάρχοντά μοι πάντα σύμβο(λά) τα σιτικὰ [κ]αὶ ἀργυ(ρικὰ) καὶ ἔπιπλα πάντα κατὰ τὸ (ἥμισυ)· δότω δὲ Ἐσθλά(δας) καὶ αἱ περὶ Ἀπολλωνίαν κατὰ κοινὸν [εἰς οἰκ]οδομὴν περιστερῶνος ἀνηλώματα ε[ἰς] τὸν ἀποδεδειγμένον περιστερῶνα ἕως ἂν ἐπιτελέσωσι καὶ Ἀπολλωνίαι τῆι καὶ Σεμμώνθει [τῆι ἐ]μῆι γυ(ναικὶ) ἐτῶν δ ἐὰν παραμείνηι ἐ[ν τῶι] οἴκωι ἀνέγκλητος οὖσα εἰς τροφὴν αὐ(τῆς) καὶ ταῖς β θυγατράσιν ἑκάσ(του) μη(νὸς) (πυροῦ) θ (ἥμισυ) κροτῶ(νος) 𐅵 χα(λκοῦ) σ [καὶ] μ̣ετὰ δ ἔτη τὰ αὐτὰ μετρήματα [δότ]ωσαν ταῖς β νεωτέραι<ς> ἐκ κοινοῦ ἕως ἐτῶν ια · δότωσαν δὲ Ταχράτει εἰς φερνὴν [χαλκο]ῦ (τάλαντα) ιβ ἐκ τῶν κοινῶν· Ὃσα δʼ ἄν φαίνη[ται ἐ]π̣ίκτη(τα) ἔχουσα ἡ Σεμμῶνθις ὄντα αὐτῆι συνοῦσα Δρύτωνι κυριευέτω αὐτῶν· [οἱ δʼ ἐπ]ελεύσοντες ἐπʼ αὐτὴν περὶ τού[των ̣ ̣ ̣ ̣ ]
[(Ἔτους)] μ̣δ Παῦνι θ.
(No Latin text was found in the extracted document.)
Year 200 (or 200 AD) of Pauni, in Pathyris, under Asclepiades, the agoranomos. Father, he arranged for the health of the mind and thoughts of the Dritons, descendants of Pamphilos, the Cretan, and of the command of the hipparch over men; may it be that I have a healthy lord over my own; if I suffer any human affliction, I leave and give up my possessions, both land and furniture and livestock and whatever else I may acquire, the horse on which I campaign and all the arms, all of which belong to Esthladas, from me, from Sarapias, of Esthladas, the city of Theon, where I was united with a woman according to the laws and according to the testament, the one that has been designated through the city of Zeus in the small archive under Dionysius, the agoranomos, in the year of Philometor, which clarifies all the other matters and establishes Hermiphilon as a relative.
It has also established from the household bodies whose names are Myrsine and this one, the other female ones whose name is Eirene and Ambelion, of Apollonia, and to the sisters that exist, and the existing property of mine upon the land of Kochlakos of Arabia, of Pathyris, the land of the vineyard and the wells therein, from the view of the brick and the other things that are combined and the wagon with the repair and the pigeon house and the other half-finished and the courtyard of which the neighbors are the southern plain of the same Esthladas, a house adorned of Apollonia of the younger ones, the place of Apelliotus, the place of Petra of Esthladas, a plain place of Esthladas up to the opened door upon the plain; the other houses and the useful ones and the old ones and the plain place into the pigeon house, established beneath the door of Esthladas and from the plain of the chamber, I give to Apollonia and Aristoi and Aphrodisia and Nikaria and the younger ones of Apollonia, which are from me and from Apollonia and Semmothis, with whom I am united with a woman according to the laws and the female bodies and let the cow be equally possessed by the houses according to the division I have made.
I give to Esthladas from the given plain place opposite the door of it upon the plain, of the size of a kiln; the other plots and plain places in the city of Zeus in the great one in the Ammonian and in the Kerameioi, let Esthladas hold according to half, and Apollonia and the sisters according to half, and all the other possessions of mine, all the agricultural and silver items and all the furniture according to half; let Esthladas and those around Apollonia hold in common for the construction of the pigeon house, the expenses for the established pigeon house until they complete it, both for Apollonia and for Semmothis, for my wife, for years, if she remains in the house unchallenged, being for her sustenance and for the daughters of each month (of grain) half a measure of bronze and after years the same measurements shall be given to the younger ones from the common until the years of 11; let them give to Tachrate for the carrying of bronze (talents) 12 from the common; whatever else may appear as acquired, let Semmothis, being with them, possess them; those who will come after her concerning these matters.
Year 200 of Pauni.