Ἀρ̣ιστοκλῆς Δημητρίωι χ̣[αίρειν]
εἰς Κόπτον τῆι ἐπέστ[αλκα]
καλῶς ἔχειν ὑπέλαβον τ[
διὰ τὸ εξ εως παραγε[νέσθαι]
ἐν τῶι Ἀπο[λλω]νοπολίτ[ηι]
τοῦ γραμ[μ]ατικοῦ τ[
Ἀ̣πολλωνο-πολίτου Δημ[ητρίωι] ὑπηρέ[τηι]
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Aristocles to Demetrios, greetings.
I have sent to Copton, and I have assumed that all is well.
Because of the fact that I have come to be present in the city of Apollonopolis,
of the grammaticus of the Apollonopolitan Demetrios, the servant.