οὐ [ἀπὸ] τῶν γενημάτων τοῦ κθ (ἔτους) ε (πυροῦ(?)) ἀρτάβας [τετρα]κισχίλιας ἐνακοσίας τεσσάρων ἑπτά τρίτον, (γίνονται) (πυροῦ(?)) Δϡμζ γ´ καὶ σύ(μβολον) πο(ίησαι) πρ(ὸς αὐτοὺς) ὡς κα(θήκει). ἔρρω[σο. (ἔτους) κθ] Μεσορεὶ λ. Θεόδωρος· ἐμβαλοῦ ἀρτάβας πυροῦ τετρακισχιλίας ἐνακοσίας τεσσάρων ἑπ[τὰ] γ´ , (γίνονται) (πυροῦ) ἀ(ρτάβαι) Δϡμζ̣ γ´. (ἔτους) κθ̣ Μεσορεὶ̣ λ̣.
(No Latin text was extracted from the document.)
"Not from the produce of the year 20 (of the year) 5 (of wheat(?)) a measure of four thousand nine hundred seventy three, (they are) (of wheat(?)) Dϡmζ 3 and to make a symbol towards them as it is fitting. Farewell. (of the year) 20 Mesore. Theodore; to put in a measure of wheat four thousand nine hundred seventy three, (they are) (of wheat) measures Dϡmζ 3. (of the year) 20 Mesore."