Αὐρηλίῳ Ὠριγένει στρα(τηγῷ) Ἑρμοπ[ολ(είτου)]
παρὰ Αὐρ(ηλίων) Παήσιος Στεφάνου μητρὸς Α̣ ̣ ̣ ̣ ̣
καὶ Σιλβανοῦ Πακύμιος μητρὸς Ἑλένης ἀ̣μ̣φ̣ο̣τ̣έ̣-
ρων κωμαρχῶν κώμης Σενομβώ. [ἀν]αδίδο-
μεν καὶ προσαγ’γέλλομεν τοὺς ἑξῆς ἐγ’γε[γρ]αμμένους
ἐργάτας ἀπελευ[σο]μένους εἰς τὸ κατὰ Ἀλα[βα]στρίνη̣ν̣
μέταλλον πρὸς ἄμειψιν τῶν ἐκεῖσε προαπ[οστ]αλέντων
ἐργατῶν ὄντ[α]ς εὐθέτους καὶ ἐπιτηδείους κ[ιν-]
δ[ύν]ῳ ἡμῶν κ[αὶ] πάντων τῶν ἀπὸ τῆς κώμη[ς]
ἐξ ἀλληλεγ’γύης. εἰσὶ δέ· Αὐρ(ήλιοι)
Εὖτις Σιλβανοῦ
[Ι ̣ ̣ ̣ ̣]
τ Τ(?)]ασυτίος
οὕσ[πε]ρ [ἐγγυ]ώμεθα καὶ παρ[α]στή[σ]ο[με]ν ἀμέμ-
π̣τ̣[ως] ἀπ[οπλη]ροῦντας τὴν ἐγ’χειρισθεῖσαν
α[ὐτο]ῖς ἐργατεία̣ς̣ χρείαν καὶ μὴ ἀπολιμ[π]α̣ν̣ο̣μ̣έ̣ν̣ο̣υ̣ς̣
τῶν ἐκεῖσε [ἄχ]ρι κελεύσεως ἤτοι ἀμ[εί]ψ[εως]. ἐὰν δὲ
ἀφυστερή[σ]ω̣σι καὶ μὴ παραστήσωμε[ν ἡ]μεῖς
αὐτοὶ τὸν [ὑπὲρ] αὐτῶν λόγον ὑπομ[εν]οῦμεν.
καὶ ἐπερ(ωτηθέντες) ὡ[μολ]ογ(ήσαμεν). (ἔτους)
καὶ (ἔτους)
τ[ῶν κυρίων ἡμ]ῶν Διοκλητιανοῦ καὶ [Μαξ]ιμιανοῦ
[Σεβαστῶν καὶ (ἔτους) ἐ]νάτου τῶν κ[υ]ρ[ίων ἡ]μῶν
Κ[ωνσταντίου καὶ Μαξι]μι[α]ν[οῦ τῶν ἐπιφανεστάτων]
[Καισάρων ὑπατεί]α̣ς̣
Ποστουμίου Τιτι[ανοῦ]
[ Νεπωτ]ια̣ν̣οῦ. Μεσορὴ [
ἐπιδεδώκ(αμεν). Α̣ὐ̣ρ̣(ήλιος) Ὡ̣ρ̣[ί]ω̣ν ἔγρα(ψα) ὑ̣π̣(ὲρ) (αὐτῶν(?)) φασκ(όντων)
μ̣ὴ̣ ε̣ἰ̣δ̣(έναι) γ̣ρ̣ά̣(μματα).
(No Latin text was found in the document.)
To Aurelius Origenes, the strategos of Hermopolis,
from Aurelius Paesios, son of Stephanus, mother Ạ ̣ ̣ ̣ ̣
and Silvanus Pacymius, mother of Helen, both of
the village leaders of the village of Senombos. We
announce and declare the following written
laborers to be freed to the site at Alabastrine
for the exchange of those sent there before,
laborers who are suitable and capable for our
needs and for all those from the village in
solidarity. There are: Aurelii
Eutis, son of Silvanus
[I ̣ ̣ ̣ ̣]
as we guarantee and will present them without
blame, fulfilling their required labor needs and
not being left behind until the command comes
or until the exchange. But if they are delayed
and we do not present ourselves, we will bear
the responsibility for them.
And when questioned, we confessed.
(In the year)
and (in the year)
of our lords Diocletian and Maximian,
[the Augusti and in the year] ninth of our lords
Constantius and Maximian, the most illustrious
Caesars, the consuls
of Postumius Titianus
of U[ir]ius
[Nepotianus]. We have given the middle [
(to them). Aurelius Horion wrote on behalf of them
claiming not to know letters.